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四级冲刺 200 核心词


suffer/ˈsʌfər/vt. 遭受;忍受 vi. 受痛苦;受损失Many people ________ from anxiety in stressful situations.
A) suffer
B) solve
C) select
D) speak
(sub+fer承受→承受痛苦)He suffered a lot during his illness. 他在生病期间受了很多痛苦
concern/kənˈsɜrn/n. 关心;忧虑 vt. 涉及;关系到;使担忧This issue is of great ________ to the public.
A) conduct
B) concern
C) conclude
D) contain
(con+cern分开→关心)The pollution of the river is a major concern for the local community. 河流的污染是当地社区的主要担忧
drive/draɪv/vt. 驾驶;驱使 n. 驾驶;动力The manager's ambition ________ the team to work harder.
A) directed
B) derived
C) drove
D) dismissed
(driv驱动)His passion drove him to success. 他的激情驱使他走向成功。
once/wʌns/adv. 一次;曾经 conj. 一旦I will call you ________ I arrive home.
A) since
B) once
C) until
D) before
(one→once)She once lived in Paris. 她曾经住在巴黎。
research/ˈriːsɜːrtʃ/n. 研究;调查 vt. 研究;调查The professor is conducting ________ on climate change.
A) search
B) research
C) response
D) reaction
(re+search再次寻找→研究)She is researching the effects of pollution on marine life. 她正在研究污染对海洋生物的影响。
rather than/ˈræðər ðæn/而不是I prefer tea ________ coffee.
A) rather than
B) instead of
C) more than
D) less than
(词组记忆)He chose to walk rather than take the bus. 他选择步行而不是乘公交车。
besides/bɪˈsaɪdz/adv. 此外 prep. 除...之外She speaks French ________ English.
A) despite
B) besides
C) beneath
D) before
(beside旁边+s→此外)Besides being a teacher, he is also a writer. 除了当老师,他还是作家。
capable/ˈkeɪpəbl/adj. 有能力的She is ________ of handling difficult tasks.
A) incapable
B) capable
C) careless
D) cautious
(cap抓住→能抓住→有能力的)He is capable of solving complex problems. 他有能力解决复杂问题。
confident/ˈkɒnfɪdənt/adj. 自信的She feels ________ about passing the exam.
A) cautious
B) concerned
C) confident
D) confused
(con+fid信任→有信任→自信的)He is confident that he will win the race. 他自信他会赢得比赛。
mass/mæs/n. 大量;质量 adj. 大规模的The scientist studied the ________ of the planets.
A) mass
B) mess
C) match
D) mark
(mass大量→大规模)A mass of people gathered in the square. 大量的人聚集在广场上。
cell/sɛl/n. 细胞;单人牢房The discovery of the ________ revolutionized biology.
A) seal
B) cell
C) sell
D) circle
(cell小房间→细胞)Every organism is made up of cells. 每个生物都由细胞组成。
absent/ˈæbsənt/adj. 缺席的;不存在的She was ________ from the meeting due to illness.
A) present
B) absent
C) available
D) active
(ab+sent送走→不在→缺席)He was absent from school yesterday. 他昨天缺席了学校。
provide/prəˈvaɪd/vt. 提供;供给The company ________ free lunches for its employees.
A) prevents
B) provides
C) produces
D) promises
(pro+vide看→向前看→提供)The charity provides food and shelter for the homeless. 这家慈善机构提供食物和住所给无家可归者。
lay/leɪ/vt. 放置;铺设The workers ________ the bricks for the new road.
A) lie
B) lay
C) laid
D) lain
(lay放下)She laid the book on the table. 她把书放在桌子上。
due to/duː tə/由于The flight was canceled ________ bad weather.
A) due to
B) because
C) in order to
D) so that
(词组记忆)The game was postponed due to rain. 比赛因雨推迟了。


interest/ˈɪntrəst/n. 兴趣;利益He has a strong ________ in history.
A) interview
B) internet
C) interest
D) intelligence
(inter+est在中间→引起注意→兴趣)His interest in music grew as he got older. 他对音乐的兴趣随着年龄的增长而增长。
pursue/pərˈsuː/vt. 追求;从事She decided to ________ a career in law.
A) present
B) pursue
C) purchase
D) promote
(per+su跟随→追随→追求)He pursued his dream of becoming a writer. 他追求成为作家的梦想。
optimistic/ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/adj. 乐观的She remains ________ about the future.
A) pessimistic
B) realistic
C) optimistic
D) objective
(optim最好的+istic形容词后缀→最好的想法→乐观的)Despite the difficulties, he is optimistic about the outcome. 尽管困难重重,他对结果仍然乐观
influence/ˈɪnfluəns/n. 影响;作用 vt. 影响Her words had a profound ________ on his decision.
A) instance
B) influence
C) interest
D) invention
(in+flu流动→流动的力量→影响)His teacher had a strong influence on his career choice. 他的老师对他的职业选择有很大的影响
recommend/ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd/vt. 推荐;建议The doctor ________ a balanced diet for better health.
A) refuses
B) reminds
C) recommends
D) removes
(re+commend赞扬→推荐)I recommend this book to anyone interested in history. 我推荐这本书给任何对历史感兴趣的人。
diverse/daɪˈvɜrs/adj. 多样的;不同的The city is known for its ________ culture.
A) direct
B) diverse
C) domestic
D) distant
(di+verse转→不同的)The university offers a diverse range of courses. 该大学提供多样的课程。
jealous/ˈʤɛləs/adj. 嫉妒的;羡慕的She felt ________ when she saw her friend succeed.
A) joyful
B) jealous
C) jaded
D) jolly
(gelous→嫉妒)He was jealous of his brother’s achievements. 他嫉妒他兄弟的成就。
apply/əˈplaɪ/vt. 申请;应用 vi. 申请She decided to ________ for a job at the company.
A) apply
B) approach
C) appear
D) appoint
(ap+ply折叠→反复折叠→申请)He applied for a scholarship. 他申请了奖学金。
consist/kənˈsɪst/vi. 组成;在于The team ________ of five members.
A) contains
B) consists
C) concerns
D) concedes
(con+sist站→站在一起→组成)The book consists of 12 chapters. 这本书12章组成
perspective/pərˈspɛktɪv/n. 观点;远景From his ________ , the plan seemed perfect.
A) prospect
B) perspective
C) preference
D) perception
(per+spec看→看透→观点)Her perspective on the issue was insightful. 她对这个问题的观点很有见地。
edge/ɛʤ/n. 边缘;优势The company gained a competitive ________ in the market.
A) effort
B) edge
C) end
D) ease
(edg边缘→优势)He stood at the edge of the cliff. 他站在悬崖的边缘
harvest/ˈhɑrvəst/n. 收获;产量 vt. 收获;收割Farmers ________ their crops in the fall.
A) hope
B) hide
C) harvest
D) handle
(harv→丰收)The farmers harvested the wheat. 农民们收割了小麦。
impress/ɪmˈprɛs/vt. 使印象深刻;影响Her speech ________ the audience.
A) impressed
B) expressed
C) involved
D) imagined
(im+press压→给人印象)His achievements impressed everyone at the event. 他的成就给大家留下了深刻的印象
cheerful/ˈʧɪrfəl/adj. 快乐的;愉快的She always has a ________ attitude, even in difficult times.
A) cheerful
B) careful
C) certain
D) critical
(cheer+ful充满欢呼→快乐的)She greeted us with a cheerful smile. 她用快乐的微笑迎接我们。
whether/ˈwɛðər/conj. 是否I am not sure ________ to go or stay.
A) weather
B) whether
C) rather
D) where
(词组记忆)He couldn’t decide whether to accept the offer. 他无法决定是否接受这个提议。
economical/ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪkl/adj. 节约的;经济的This car is more ________ on fuel.
A) expensive
B) economical
C) essential
D) exact
(economy+ical形容词后缀→节约的)The new model is very economical. 新款车非常省油


render/ˈrɛndər/vt. 提供;呈现;表达;致使 to provide; present; express; causePlease ________ the data into a readable format.
A) render
B) repair
C) return
(re+nder给→反复给→呈现)The artist was able to render the beauty of nature with great skill.
powerful/ˈpaʊərfəl/adj. 强大的;有力的;影响力大的 strong; forceful; influentialThe speech was so ________ that it moved everyone to tears.
A) weak
B) powerful
(power力量+ful形容词后缀→有力量的)She gave a powerful performance that left the audience speechless.
charge/tʃɑːrdʒ/n. 费用;掌管;电荷 vt. 要求支付;指控 vi. 索价;冲锋 fee; responsibility; electrical charge vt. to demand payment; accuse vi. to charge forwardThe company will ________ $50 for the service.
A) refund
B) charge
C) cancel
(char车+ge→冲锋的意思由车来引申)The phone needs to be charged before it can be used again.
crash/kræʃ/n. 碰撞;崩溃;暴跌 vi. 撞碎;猛冲;发出巨响 vt. 打碎;使坠毁 collision; breakdown; plunge vi. to crash vt. to break apartThe stock market ________ caused widespread panic.
A) rise
B) crash
(crash词根表示破裂、坠毁)The computer crashed, and all the unsaved data was lost.
grade/ɡreɪd/n. 等级;年级;成绩 vt. 评分;分级 n. level; class; score vt. to score; classifyShe worked hard to improve her ________ in math.
A) grade
B) price
(grad走+e→逐步的评分→成绩)He received a good grade on his final exam.
spare/spɛər/adj. 备用的;多余的 vt. 节约;饶恕 vi. 节约 n. 备用品 adj. extra; surplus vt. to save; forgive vi. to saveCan you ________ some time to help me with this task?
A) waste
B) spare
(spare多→有多余的→备用)I always keep a spare tire in the car for emergencies.
opponent/əˈpoʊnənt/n. 对手;反对者 competitor; adversaryHer main ________ in the competition was very strong.
A) friend
B) opponent
(op+pon放置→反着放→对手)The tennis player faced a tough opponent in the final match.
following/ˈfɑːloʊɪŋ/adj. 接着的;下列的 n. 下列;追随者 subsequent; the next; followersThe report will be released ________ the meeting.
A) before
B) following
(follow跟随+ing形容词后缀→下列的)The following day, they received the results of the test.
analysis/əˈnæləsɪs/n. 分析;分解 examination; dissectionThe company's financial ________ showed a decrease in profits.
A) analysis
(ana向上+lysis分解→分析)The analysis of the data took several days to complete.
claim/kleɪm/vt. 声称;要求;索取 n. 声称;要求;索赔 assert; demand; requestHe ________ that the project was a success.
A) denies
B) claims
(claim呼喊→宣称)She made a claim for damages after the accident.
burden/ˈbɜrdən/n. 负担;责任;载货量 vt. 使负担;烦扰 load; responsibility; capacity vt. to load; botherThe extra work became a ________ for the employees.
A) burden
(burd载+en动词后缀→负担)The financial burden of the medical bills was overwhelming.
major/ˈmeɪdʒər/adj. 主要的;主修的 n. 主修科目 vi. 主修 adj. main; significant n. major subject vi. to major inShe decided to ________ in computer science at university.
A) fail
B) major
(maj大+or名词后缀→主要的)The major challenge for the team was meeting the deadline.
relevant/ˈrɛləvənt/adj. 相关的;切题的 related; pertinentMake sure to include ________ details in your report.
A) irrelevant
B) relevant
(re再+lev举+ant形容词后缀→相关的)The information is not relevant to our current discussion.
rank/ræŋk/n. 排名;等级;军衔 vt. 排列;归类 n. position; classification; military rank vt. to arrange; categorizeHe quickly moved up the ________ in the company.
A) rank
(rank词根表示等级)She holds the rank of captain in the navy.
attend/əˈtɛnd/vt. 出席;照料;专心 vi. 照料;参加;照顾 to be present; take care; focus vi. to care for; participateMany students ________ the lecture on modern technology.
A) avoid
B) attend
(at向+tend伸展→去参加)She always attends the annual conference in her field.


aspect/ˈæspɛkt/n. 方面;方向;形态 facet; direction; formOne important ________ of the project is its impact on the community.
A) aspect
(a+spect看→看一个事物的面→方面)The financial aspect of the project needs more attention.
further/ˈfɜːrðər/adj. 更远的;更多的 adv. 更远地;此外 vt. 促进 adj. additional adv. further vt. to promoteWe need to investigate ________ before making a decision.
A) further
(furth词根表进一步+er→更远的)Further research is required before any conclusions can be drawn.
impatient/ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/adj. 不耐烦的;急切的 restless; eagerHe became ________ while waiting in the long line.
A) patient
B) impatient
(im否定+patient耐心→没有耐心)She was impatient for the meeting to start.
hopeful/ˈhoʊpfəl/adj. 有希望的;怀抱希望的 optimistic; full of hopeThe team felt ________ about winning the championship.
A) hopeless
B) hopeful
(hope希望+ful形容词后缀→充满希望的)Despite the challenges, she remained hopeful that things would improve.
range/reɪndʒ/n. 范围;射程;山脉 vi. 平行;延伸 vt. 排列 scope; extent; mountain range vi. to parallel; stretch vt. to arrangeThe price of the product can ________ from $10 to $50.
A) range
(rang词根表排列→排列范围)The mountains range from north to south across the country.
emotion/ɪˈmoʊʃən/n. 情感;情绪;激动 feeling; sentiment; excitementShe could not hide her ________ when she received the award.
A) emotion
(e向外+motion动→感情的流露)His voice was filled with emotion as he spoke about the incident.
execute/ˈɛksɪˌkjuːt/vt. 执行;处死;履行 to carry out; to put to death; to performThe plan was successfully ________ by the team.
A) ignore
B) execute
(ex向外+ecute跟随→跟随计划→执行)The government executed the criminal after a long trial.
condition/kənˈdɪʃən/n. 条件;情况;环境 vt. 决定;使适应 n. circumstance; state; environment vt. to determine; adaptThe terms and ________ of the contract were not clear.
A) conditions
(con全部+dit给+ion名词后缀→给出条件)His health condition has improved after the treatment.
mature/məˈtʃʊr/adj. 成熟的;到期的 vi. 成熟;长成 vt. 使成熟 adj. ripe; fully developed vi. to grow; develop vt. to ripenThe company has become more ________ over the past decade.
A) immature
B) mature
(mat母+ure形容词后缀→母性→成熟)She is a mature student who knows how to manage her time.
reason/ˈriːzən/n. 理由;原因;理性 vi. 推论;劝说 vt. 说服;推论 n. cause; rationale; logic vi. to deduce; persuade vt. to convinceThere is no ________ to doubt his abilities.
A) problem
B) reason
(rea词根表推理+son→推理的原因)His reasoning for the decision was well thought out.
level/ˈlɛvəl/n. 水平;等级 adj. 水平的;平坦的 vt. 使平坦 n. grade; height adj. flat; even vt. to flattenHer skills have reached a new ________ of expertise.
A) level
(lev词根表举起+el名词后缀→等级)The table must be on a level surface to avoid tipping over.
until/ənˈtɪl/prep. 直到…为止;到…为止 conj. 直到…为止 prep. up to the point of; before conj. up to the time whenThey will not stop working ________ the project is completed.
A) before
B) until
(un向+til词根表时间→直到某时间为止)She waited until the last moment before making her decision.
publish/ˈpʌblɪʃ/vt. 出版;发表;公布 vi. 出版;发表 vt. to print; announce; release vi. to issueThe author decided to ________ her first novel.
A) publish
(pub公共+lish动词后缀→使公开)The research findings were published in a scientific journal.
survey/ˈsɜːrveɪ/n. 调查;测量;纵览 vt. 调查;测量;俯瞰 vi. 测量;勘测 n. investigation; measurement vt. to investigate; measure vi. to measureThey conducted a ________ to understand customer satisfaction.
A) survey
(sur上+vey看→从上面看→俯瞰,调查)The survey results showed a high level of satisfaction among the participants.
graduate/ˈɡrædʒuət/n. 毕业生;研究生 adj. 毕业的;研究生的 vi. 毕业 vt. 授予…学位 n. graduate student adj. graduating; postgraduate vi. to finish school vt. to grant a degreeShe will ________ from university next year.
A) graduate
(grad走+uate动词后缀→走出去→毕业)After completing his studies, he became a graduate of the university.


input/'ɪnpʊt/n. 输入;投入 vt. 输入数据,录入 vt. to enter data, supply n. inputPlease ________ your password to access the system.
A) enter
B) input
C) import
(in+put放入→放入内部→输入)The program requires user input before proceeding. 该程序需要用户输入后才能继续。
despite/dɪ'spaɪt/prep. 尽管;不管________ the heavy rain, the match continued as scheduled.
A) Despite
B) Since
(de+spite看作spit吐→不理会→尽管)Despite her injury, she completed the marathon. 尽管受伤,她还是完成了马拉松比赛。
advantage/əd'vɑːntɪdʒ/n. 优势;好处;优点 vt. 获得优势 n. a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable positionTaking the early flight gives us an ________.
A) disadvantage
B) advantage
(ad+vantage来自拉丁语avant前→前面有→优势)His height gives him an advantage in basketball. 他的身高让他在篮球比赛中占有优势。
withdraw/wɪð'drɔː/vt. 撤回;提取;退出 vi. 撤退,退出She decided to ________ from the competition due to an injury.
A) enter
B) withdraw
(with+draw拉→向后拉→撤回)He withdrew all his savings to buy a house. 他提取了所有的储蓄来买房子。
factor/'fæktə/n. 因素;要素 vt. 把…作为因素考虑Several ________ contributed to the company's success.
A) factors
B) features
(fact做→构成事物的要素→因素)The weather was a major factor in our decision to cancel the trip. 天气是我们取消旅行的一个主要因素。
appreciate/ə'priːʃɪeɪt/vt. 感激;欣赏;意识到We ________ your help with this project.
A) appreciate
B) approve
(ad+preci价值→给以价值→欣赏)I appreciate your hard work and dedication. 我感谢你的辛勤工作和奉献。
consider/kən'sɪdə/vt. 考虑;认为 vi. 考虑,细想Please ________ my proposal carefully.
A) reject
B) consider
(con+sider星星→考虑像星星一样繁多的因素→考虑)He is considering changing his job. 他正在考虑换工作。
desire/dɪ'zaɪə/n. 欲望;要求 vt. 渴望;要求 vi. 渴望Her ________ to succeed is evident in her work.
A) decision
B) desire
(de+sire星星→古人认为星星能满足愿望→渴望)He has a strong desire to improve his skills. 他有强烈的愿望提升自己的技能。
blast/blɑːst/n. 爆炸;冲击波 vt. 爆破 vi. 猛攻The building was ________ by the powerful explosion.
A) built
B) blasted
(blast爆炸声→爆炸)The wind blasted through the open windows. 风猛烈地从敞开的窗户吹进来。
increase/ɪn'kriːs/n. 增加;提高 vt. 增加 vi. 增长The company's profits ________ significantly last year.
A) decreased
B) increased
(in+crease生长→增多)The population of the city is increasing rapidly. 这个城市的人口正在快速增长。
arouse/ə'raʊz/vt. 唤醒;引起 vi. 激发The speech ________ a lot of interest among the students.
A) aroused
B) suppressed
(a+rouse醒来→唤醒)The movie aroused her curiosity about history. 这部电影激起了她对历史的好奇心。
brave/breɪv/adj. 勇敢的 n. 勇士 vt. 勇敢面对 vi. 显得勇敢It takes courage to ________ the unknown.
A) fear
B) brave
(brav勇敢)He bravely faced his fears and took the leap. 他勇敢地面对自己的恐惧,迈出了这一步。
include/ɪn'kluːd/vt. 包括;包含Please ________ this information in your report.
A) exclude
B) include
(in+clude关闭→关进里面→包括)The price includes tax and service charges. 价格包括税费和服务费。
temptation/tɛmp'teɪʃən/n. 诱惑;引诱It's difficult to resist the ________ of eating sweets.
A) invitation
B) temptation
(tempt引诱→诱惑)The temptation to check my phone was too strong. 查看手机的诱惑太强了。
intellectual/ˌɪntɪ'lektʃʊəl/adj. 智力的;聪明的 n. 知识分子He is known for his ________ pursuits.
A) physical
B) intellectual
(inter+lect选择→从中选择→智力的)She enjoys intellectual conversations about philosophy. 她喜欢有关哲学的智力对话。
consideration/kən'sɪdə'reɪʃən/n. 考虑;体谅;报酬Please take my proposal into ________.
A) decision
B) consideration
(consider考虑→考虑的结果→体谅)His consideration for others is truly remarkable. 他对别人的体谅真是了不起。
suspicion/sə'spɪʃən/n. 怀疑;嫌疑;疑心There is growing ________ about the cause of the accident.
A) suspicion
B) confidence
(sus+spic看→从下面看→怀疑)His actions have aroused suspicion. 他的行为引起了怀疑。
switch/swɪtʃ/n. 开关;转换 vt. 转换 vi. 变换Please ________ the light off when you leave.
A) switch
B) stop
(switch交换→转换)The conversation quickly switched to another topic. 谈话很快转到了另一个话题。
calm/kɑːm/adj. 冷静的;平静的 vt. 使冷静 vi. 变平静 n. 平静Try to stay ________ during the emergency.
A) angry
B) calm
(calm平静)She took a deep breath to calm herself. 她深吸一口气使自己平静下来。
evaluate/ɪ'væljʊeɪt/vt. 评价;估价We need to ________ the results before making a decision.
A) ignore
B) evaluate
(e+value价值→评估)The teacher evaluates each student's performance carefully. 老师仔细评估每个学生的表现。


potential/pə'tɛnʃəl/adj. 潜在的;可能的 n. 潜力;可能性She has the ________ to become a great musician.
A) potential
B) guarantee
(potent有力→有力的可能性→潜力)The business has great potential for growth. 这项业务有很大的增长潜力。
dispose/dɪ'spəʊz/vt. 处理;处置 vi. 处理;安排Please ________ of the waste properly.
A) dispose
B) keep
(dis+pose放→放开→处理)He disposed of the old newspapers. 他处理掉了旧报纸。
ability/ə'bɪlɪti/n. 能力;才能Her ________ to solve complex problems is impressive.
A) inability
B) ability
(able有能力→能力)She has a natural ability to lead. 她有天生的领导能力。
fade/feɪd/vt. 使褪色 vi. 褪色;凋谢The colors ________ after several washes.
A) fade
B) intensify
(fade褪色)The memory of the event began to fade over time. 对那次事件的记忆随着时间的推移逐渐淡忘。
exert/ɪɡ'zɜːt/vt. 运用;施加You need to ________ more effort if you want to succeed.
A) ignore
B) exert
(ex+ert能量→施加能量→施加)He exerted all his strength to lift the heavy box. 他用尽全力抬起沉重的箱子。
experience/ɪk'spɪərɪəns/n. 经验;经历 vt. 体验;经历She has years of ________ in this field.
A) inexperience
B) experience
(ex+perience尝试→体验过→经验)His experience in the industry is invaluable. 他在这个行业的经验非常宝贵。
abstract/'æbstrækt/adj. 抽象的 n. 摘要 vt. 提取;使抽象化 vi. 做摘要The concept was too ________ for the children to understand.
A) concrete
B) abstract
(abs+tract拉→从中拉出→抽象的)Her painting is highly abstract and open to interpretation. 她的画作极具抽象性,富有解释空间。
disgust/dɪs'gʌst/n. 厌恶;反感 vt. 使厌恶;使作呕The sight of the spoiled food ________ her.
A) pleased
B) disgusted
(dis+gust味道→反感)The smell of the garbage filled her with disgust. 垃圾的气味让她感到恶心。
vision/'vɪʒən/n. 视力;视觉;眼光;愿景His ________ for the future of the company is inspiring.
A) blindness
B) vision
(vis看→看得见的事物→视觉)She has a clear vision of what she wants to achieve. 她对自己想要实现的目标有着清晰的愿景。
direct/dɪ'rekt/vt. 引导;指挥;导演 adj. 直接的 adv. 直接地Please ________ me to the nearest exit.
A) confuse
B) direct
(di+rect直→直接引导→指引)The manager directed the team to focus on the main goal. 经理指示团队集中精力于主要目标。
achievement/ə'tʃiːvmənt/n. 成就;成绩;完成Graduating with honors was a great ________.
A) failure
B) achievement
(achieve达成→成就)Winning the competition was a major achievement for the young athlete. 获得比赛冠军是这位年轻运动员的重大成就。
pressure/'preʃə/n. 压力;压迫;强制 vt. 对…施加压力The deadlines are creating a lot of ________.
A) pleasure
B) pressure
(press压→施加压力)The pressure to succeed can be overwhelming. 成功的压力可能会让人不堪重负。
deserve/dɪ'zɜːv/vt. 应得;值得 vi. 应受赏(罚)You ________ a break after all that hard work.
A) deserve
B) deny
(de+serve服务→应该得到服务→应得)He deserves all the praise he gets. 他值得所有的赞扬。
worth/wɜːθ/adj. 值得的 n. 价值This book is ________ reading.
A) worth
B) worthless
(worth有价值的→值得)The museum is definitely worth a visit. 这个博物馆绝对值得一游。
exhaust/ɪg'zɔːst/vt. 耗尽;使精疲力尽 vi. 排气Running the marathon completely ________ me.
A) energized
B) exhausted
(ex+haust拉→拉尽→耗尽)The long hike exhausted the group. 长时间的徒步旅行让大家筋疲力尽。
available/ə'veɪləbəl/adj. 可获得的;可用的;有效的The book is now ________ in stores.
A) unavailable
B) available
(avail有用的→可以使用的→可用的)Tickets for the concert are still available. 音乐会的门票仍然可用。
satisfy/'sætɪsfaɪ/vt. 满足;使满意 vi. 令人满意This meal ________ my hunger.
A) starved
B) satisfied
(satis足够→满足)The results of the study satisfied all expectations. 研究结果满足了所有期望。
capture/'kæptʃə/vt. 俘获;夺取 n. 捕获;战利品The artist ________ the beauty of the landscape perfectly.
A) ruined
B) captured
(cap+ure抓住→俘获)The photo perfectly captured the moment. 这张照片完美地捕捉到了那一刻。
purchase/'pɜːtʃəs/n. 购买 vt. 购买;赢得 vi. 购买东西They decided to ________ a new car.
A) rent
B) purchase
(pur+chase追逐→追逐买→购买)She purchased the dress online. 她在网上购买了这件连衣裙。