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六级冲刺 200 核心词


concern/kən'sɜːn/n. 关心,担忧 vt. 使关心,使担忧 to worry; to relate toHer main ________ is the well-being of her family.
A) concern
B) confirm
C) content
D) contract
(con+cern区分→关心)His health was of great concern to his family. 他家人非常担心他的健康。
insight/'ɪnsaɪt/n. 洞察力;见识 the ability to understand the true nature of somethingThe book offers deep ________ into human psychology.
A) insight
B) invention
C) imagination
D) interference
(in+sight看→看进去→洞察力)Her insights into human behavior were remarkable. 她对人类行为的洞察力非常惊人。
absent/'æbsənt/adj. 缺席的;不在场的 not presentHe was ________ from the meeting due to illness.
A) absent
B) present
C) constant
D) frequent
(ab+scent离开→离开→缺席)Many students were absent from school due to the flu. 由于流感,许多学生缺席了。
influence/'ɪnflʊəns/n. 影响;作用 vt. 影响 to have an effect onHis parents had a strong ________ on his career choice.
A) influence
B) control
C) perception
D) observation
(in+flu流→流入→影响)His teacher greatly influenced his decision to become a writer. 他的老师极大地影响了他成为作家的决定。
cautious/'kɔːʃəs/adj. 谨慎的;小心的 careful to avoid danger or riskYou should be ________ when driving on icy roads.
A) cautious
B) courageous
C) careless
D) confident
(caution→谨慎+ous形容词后缀)She was cautious when making financial decisions. 她在做财务决策时非常谨慎。
marginal/'mɑːdʒɪnəl/adj. 边缘的;不重要的 of little importanceThe changes made a ________ improvement in performance.
A) marginal
B) major
C) significant
D) remarkable
(margin边缘+al形容词后缀)The company's profit margin was marginal. 公司的利润微乎其微。
impress/ɪm'pres/vt. 给…留下深刻印象;使铭记 to have a strong effect on someone’s feelingsHer performance in the interview really ________ the hiring manager.
A) improved
B) influenced
C) impressed
D) informed
(im+press按→按进去→留下印象)He impressed his audience with his knowledge of the topic. 他凭借对主题的了解给观众留下了深刻的印象。
claim/kleɪm/vt. 宣称;声称;索取 to say something is true; to demandShe ________ she saw the celebrity at the mall.
A) claimed
B) stated
C) insisted
D) argued
(claim喊→大声喊→宣称)He claimed the prize after winning the competition. 他在赢得比赛后领取了奖品。
switch/swɪtʃ/n. 开关;转变 vt. 转换;转变 to change from one thing to anotherShe decided to ________ majors from biology to engineering.
A) switch
B) convert
C) shift
D) turn
(源自古英语,切换)He switched off the light before leaving the room. 他在离开房间前关掉了灯。
sophisticated/sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd/adj. 精密的;复杂的;老练的 complex or intricateThe software is too ________ for beginners to use.
A) advanced
B) simple
C) complicated
D) sophisticated
(soph智慧+ist→有智慧的→复杂的)The sophisticated technology amazed the scientists. 精密的技术让科学家们惊叹不已。
enroll/ɪn'rəʊl/vt. 注册;报名 to sign up for somethingHe decided to ________ in a photography class.
A) enlist
B) enroll
C) enter
D) apply
(en+roll卷→卷入→登记)She enrolled in the university last fall. 去年秋天她注册入读了这所大学。
further/'fɜːðə/adj. 更远的;更进一步的 to a greater degreeHe plans to ________ his studies by pursuing a PhD.
A) forward
B) further
C) follow
D) advance
(源自far,更远的)He furthered his career by taking extra courses. 他通过参加额外的课程推动了自己的职业发展。
dedicate/'dedɪkeɪt/vt. 致力;献身 to commit to a purpose or goalShe ________ her life to helping the poor.
A) dedicate
B) donate
C) deliver
D) offer
(de+dic说→说出去→献身)He dedicated the book to his parents. 他把这本书献给了他的父母。
suspicious/sə'spɪʃəs/adj. 怀疑的;可疑的 having doubt or distrustThe police were ________ of his alibi.
A) unsure
B) confident
C) suspicious
D) trustworthy
(sus+spect看→看下面→怀疑)He was suspicious of strangers asking too many questions. 他对问太多问题的陌生人感到怀疑。
destructive/dɪ'strʌktɪv/adj. 破坏性的 causing great damageThe hurricane had a ________ impact on the city.
A) productive
B) destructive
C) instructive
D) protective
(de+struct结构→破坏结构→破坏性的)The war left a destructive legacy in the country. 战争给这个国家留下了破坏性的遗产。


competitive/kəm'pɛtɪtɪv/adj. 竞争的;好胜的 wanting to win or be better than othersShe is very ________ and always strives to be the best.
A) competent
B) competitive
C) compelling
D) comparative
(compete竞争+ive形容词后缀)The job market is highly competitive these days. 现在的就业市场竞争非常激烈。
range/reɪndʒ/n. 范围;幅度 the extent of somethingThe store offers a wide ________ of products.
A) range
B) variety
C) selection
D) supply
(源自古法语,排列)The mountain range extended for miles. 山脉绵延数英里。
mature/mə'tjʊə/adj. 成熟的;明智的 fully grown or developedHe is very ________ for his age.
A) matured
B) growing
C) mature
D) senior
(mature源自拉丁语,成熟的)Her mature decision-making impressed everyone. 她成熟的决策给大家留下了深刻印象。
blast/blɑːst/n. 爆炸;冲击波 a strong gust of air; an explosionThe loud ________ startled everyone in the area.
A) sound
B) blast
C) burst
D) noise
(源自古英语,风爆)The explosion caused a blast that shook the windows. 爆炸产生的冲击波震动了窗户。
charge/tʃɑːdʒ/vt. 充电;收费;指控 to demand payment; to accuseThey ________ him with theft after the investigation.
A) charged
B) blamed
C) fined
D) punished
(charge源自拉丁语,负荷)She charged her phone before leaving the house. 她在离家前给手机充了电。
dispatch/dɪ'spætʃ/vt. 派遣;迅速处理 to send off; to deal with quicklyThe company ________ the goods to their customers.
A) delivered
B) dispatched
C) sent
D) mailed
(dis+patch打包→派遣)The team was dispatched to handle the emergency. 该团队被派遣去处理紧急情况。
energetic/ˌɛnə'dʒɛtɪk/adj. 精力充沛的 full of energyHe felt very ________ after a good night's sleep.
A) lively
B) tired
C) energetic
D) exhausted
(energy能量+tic形容词后缀)She is always energetic in the mornings. 她早晨总是精力充沛。
profound/prə'faʊnd/adj. 深刻的;深远的 having deep meaning or significanceThe book had a ________ effect on his outlook on life.
A) deep
B) profound
C) shallow
D) slight
(pro前+found基础→深远的)His speech left a profound impact on the audience. 他的演讲给听众留下了深刻的影响。
exert/ɪg'zɜːt/vt. 施加;运用 to apply force or influenceHe ________ all his strength to lift the heavy box.
A) utilized
B) exerted
C) encouraged
D) exhausted
(ex+ert力量→施加力量)She exerted pressure on the team to finish the project. 她对团队施加了压力以完成项目。
crash/kræʃ/n. 碰撞;崩溃 an accident involving a vehicle or computer failureThe car ________ caused major traffic delays.
A) crash
B) bump
C) break
D) incident
(源自挪威语,破裂)The computer crashed during the presentation. 电脑在演示过程中崩溃了。
abstract/'æbstrækt/adj. 抽象的;理论上的 existing in thought but not physically realThe artist's work is very ________ and hard to interpret.
A) abstract
B) concrete
C) realistic
D) visual
(ab离开+tract拉→拉开→抽象的)He finds abstract art fascinating. 他觉得抽象艺术非常迷人。
decline/dɪ'klaɪn/n. 下降;减少 to decrease in quantity or qualityThe company's profits ________ over the past year.
A) increased
B) declined
C) stabilized
D) boosted
(de+cline倾斜→下降)There was a decline in sales last month. 上个月的销售额下降了。
vision/'vɪʒən/n. 视野;愿景 the ability to see; a future goal or planHe had a clear ________ for the future of the company.
A) vision
B) sight
C) dream
D) outlook
(vis看+ion名词后缀)Her vision for the project was very inspiring. 她对项目的愿景非常鼓舞人心。
expedition/ˌɛkspɪ'dɪʃən/n. 探险;远征 a journey for a specific purpose, usually explorationThe team embarked on an ________ to the North Pole.
A) trip
B) expedition
C) voyage
D) mission
(ex+ped脚→走出去→远征)They organized an expedition to explore the Amazon rainforest. 他们组织了一次探险,去探索亚马逊雨林。
norm/nɔːm/n. 标准;规范 a standard or expectation of behaviorIt is the ________ to dress formally for interviews.
A) tradition
B) norm
C) habit
D) custom
(源自拉丁语,规则)Social norms influence our daily behaviors. 社会规范影响着我们的日常行为。
prejudice/'prɛdʒʊdɪs/n. 偏见;成见 an unfair opinion formed without knowledge or reasonWe must work to eliminate racial ________ in our society.
A) bias
B) prejudice
C) belief
D) discrimination
(pre预先+judice判断→成见)His prejudice against people from other countries was evident. 他对其他国家的人的偏见显而易见。


prejudice/ˈprɛdʒʊdɪs/n. 偏见;损害 vt. 使抱偏见;损害 n. bias or preconceived opinion; harm or injuryThe judge must not ________ against any group of people.
A) justify
B) prejudice
C) harm
D) encourage
(pre+judice法官→预先判断→偏见)The media coverage was biased and created a sense of prejudice against certain groups.媒体报道是有偏见的,并对某些群体产生了偏见。
pressure/ˈprɛʃə/n. 压力;压迫;紧迫 vt. 对…施加压力;迫使 n. physical force; social or emotional burdenHe felt under great ________ to meet the deadline.
A) stress
B) pressure
C) tension
D) obligation
(press压+ure→施加压力)The pressure to perform well at work often affects one's mental health.工作上的压力往往会影响人的心理健康。
orientation/ˌɔːrɪɛnˈteɪʃən/n. 定向;适应;方向 n. a person’s feelings, beliefs, or goalsThe new employee attended an ________ session to understand company policies.
A) arrangement
B) orientation
C) management
D) organization
(orient东方+ation→方向)The orientation program helps students adapt to the university environment.入学指南课程帮助学生适应大学环境。
preservation/ˌprɛzəˈveɪʃən/n. 保存;保持;维持 n. the act of maintaining something in its original stateThe museum is dedicated to the ________ of ancient artifacts.
A) conservation
B) restoration
C) preservation
D) destruction
(preserve保存+ation→保存的行为)The preservation of old buildings is important for maintaining cultural heritage.保护老建筑对维护文化遗产很重要。
constitute/ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt/vt. 构成,组成;设立,制定;任命 vt. to form or compose somethingThese documents ________ the foundation of our legal system.
A) form
B) constitute
C) destroy
D) undermine
(con全部+stitute站→全部立起来→组成)Twelve months constitute a year.一年由十二个月组成。
grateful/ˈɡreɪtfʊl/adj. 感激的,感谢的 adj. feeling or showing thanksShe was ________ for the help she received during her illness.
A) thankful
B) grateful
C) remorseful
D) sorry
(grate感谢+ful→满怀感谢)I am very grateful for your assistance.我非常感谢您的帮助。
equivalent/ɪˈkwɪvələnt/adj. 相等的,相当的 n. 等价物,等效物 adj./n. equal in value, amount, or functionOne dollar is roughly ________ to six yuan.
A) equal
B) equivalent
C) corresponding
D) identical
(equi平等+val价值→相等的)This course is equivalent to a first-year college class.这门课程相当于大学一年级的课程。
deal/diːl/n. 交易;份量 vi. 处理;做生意 vt. 分配 n. an agreement; amount vi. to handle; do businessHe has to ________ with difficult clients every day.
A) manage
B) deal
C) cope
D) face
(原词义为处理)The company made a deal with the supplier for lower prices.公司与供应商达成了一笔价格较低的交易。
action/ˈækʃən/n. 行动;行为;诉讼 n. the process of doing something; legal proceedingsThey plan to take ________ against the company for negligence.
A) action
B) decision
C) case
D) suit
(act行动+ion→行动)The government needs to take immediate action to solve the problem.政府需要立即采取行动来解决这个问题。
hesitate/ˈhɛzɪteɪt/vi. 犹豫,踌躇;不愿 vt. 犹豫;有疑虑 vi. to pause before saying or doing somethingDon’t ________ to ask if you have any questions.
A) hesitate
B) refuse
C) delay
D) decline
(hesit犹豫+ate动词后缀→犹豫)She hesitated before making the decision.她在做决定前犹豫了。
participate/pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/vi. 参加,参与;分享 vi. to take part in somethingHe actively ________ in the project’s planning process.
A) partakes
B) contributes
C) participates
D) engages
(part部分+icipate→成为部分→参与)Many students participate in extracurricular activities.许多学生参加课外活动。
historic/hɪˈstɒrɪk/adj. 历史上著名的;有历史意义的 adj. famous or important in historyThe signing of the treaty was a ________ moment in world history.
A) historic
B) memorable
C) grand
D) legendary
(history历史+ic→历史上的)The historic event shaped the future of the country.这历史事件塑造了国家的未来。
conform/kənˈfɔːm/vi. 符合;遵守;使一致 vt. 使遵守;使一致 vi. to comply with rules, standards, or lawsYou need to ________ to the company’s dress code.
A) adhere
B) conform
C) submit
D) follow
(con全部+form形式→全部形式一致→遵守)Students must conform to the school’s regulations.学生必须遵守学校的规定。
forthcoming/ˈfɔːθˌkʌmɪŋ/adj. 即将来临的;乐于助人的;现成的 adj. about to happen; ready or availableThe company’s annual report will be ________ next month.
A) submitted
B) forthcoming
C) reviewed
D) delayed
(forth向前+coming来→将要来的)The forthcoming event has been highly anticipated by the public.即将来临的活动备受公众期待。
distinct/dɪˈstɪŋkt/adj. 明显的;独特的;清楚的 adj. clearly different or uniqueThere is a ________ difference between the two proposals.
A) subtle
B) significant
C) distinct
D) narrow
(dis分开+stinct刺→刺出区别→不同的)The voices of the two singers are distinct from each other.两位歌手的嗓音截然不同。


engage/ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/vt. 吸引,占用;使参加 vi. 从事;参与;答应 vt./vi. to attract, occupy, or involveThe speaker ________ the audience with his storytelling.
A) engaged
B) interacted
C) captivated
D) amused
(en进入+gage承诺→参与进来)The company is looking to engage with more clients.公司希望吸引更多客户。
undertake/ˌʌndəˈteɪk/vt. 承担;保证;从事 vt. to take on or assume responsibility for somethingHe ________ to finish the project by the end of the week.
A) promised
B) decided
C) undertook
D) failed
(under在下面+take拿→承担)The team will undertake the task of organizing the event.团队将承担组织活动的任务。
foul/faʊl/adj. 犯规的;污秽的 n. 犯规 vt. 犯规;弄脏 adj./n. offensive to the senses; violation of rulesThe referee called a ________ in the last few minutes of the game.
A) play
B) foul
C) mistake
D) slip
(原词义为弄脏→犯规)The foul odor from the garbage bin spread throughout the area.垃圾桶散发出的恶臭蔓延到整个区域。
stagger/ˈstæɡə/vi. 蹒跚;犹豫;摇晃 vt. 使交错;使摇晃 vi./vt. to walk or move unsteadilyThe sudden news left him ________.**
A) speechless
B) staggered
C) overwhelmed
D) shocked
(stagger摇晃)The boxer staggered after being hit hard in the face.拳击手被重重击中脸部后摇晃起来。
split/splɪt/vt. 分离;分开;裂开 vi. 断裂;分手;分裂 vt./vi. to break or cause to break into partsThe team was ________ into two groups for the competition.
A) divided
B) split
C) separated
D) formed
(原词义为分裂)They decided to split the profits equally between the partners.他们决定将利润在合伙人之间平分。
follow/ˈfɒloʊ/vi. 跟随;遵循 vt. 跟随;追随;理解 vi./vt. to come after or behind; to act according toYou need to ________ the instructions carefully.
A) obey
B) follow
C) listen
D) heed
(原词义为跟随)I will follow you to the meeting.我会跟随你去开会。
flee/fliː/vi. 逃走;消失 vt. 逃避;逃离 vi./vt. to run away from dangerThey had to ________ the country due to political unrest.
A) abandon
B) flee
C) escape
D) migrate
(原词义为逃离)The refugees fled their homes due to the conflict.难民因为冲突而逃离了家园。
reverse/rɪˈvɜːs/vt. 颠倒;倒转;推翻 adj. 反向的;颠倒的 vt./vi. to turn something in the opposite directionThey plan to ________ the decision after further investigation.
A) affirm
B) reverse
C) approve
D) support
(re回+verse转→转回去→颠倒)The company reversed its previous decision due to public backlash.由于公众的强烈反对,公司推翻了先前的决定。
lump/lʌmp/n. 块;肿块;瘤 vt. 混在一起 n. a compact mass; swellingShe found a small ________ on her neck and immediately went to the doctor.
A) mass
B) tumor
C) lump
D) growth
(原词义为块)He mixed the dough until no lumps remained.他将面团混合到没有任何块状物为止。
count/kaʊnt/vi. 计数;有价值 vt. 数数;计算 vi./vt. to determine the number of something; to matterEvery vote ________ in the election.
A) counts
B) matters
C) contributes
D) decides
(原词义为数)We need to count the number of participants.我们需要统计参加者的人数。
crisis/ˈkraɪsɪs/n. 危机;危急关头 n. a time of intense difficulty or dangerThe country faced an economic ________ last year.
A) crisis
B) issue
C) trouble
D) disaster
(原词义为危机)The company is in the midst of a financial crisis.公司正处于财务危机之中。
endow/ɪnˈdaʊ/vt. 赋予;捐赠;天生具有 vt. to give a quality or ability to someone; to provide financial supportShe was ________ with both beauty and intelligence.
A) born
B) endowed
C) blessed
D) gifted
(en使+dow给→赋予)The university was endowed with a large grant from an anonymous donor.该大学获得了一位匿名捐赠者的大额捐款。
offer/ˈɒfə/vt. 提供;给予;提议 n. 提议,报价 vt. to present or propose; n. a proposal or bidHe ________ her a job at his company.
A) offered
B) presented
C) provided
D) suggested
(原词义为提供)She offered to help with the project.她主动提出帮助完成这个项目。
promotion/prəˈmoʊʃən/n. 促进;升职;促销 n. the act of advancing someone in rank; the act of marketingShe received a ________ to manager last month.
A) raise
B) promotion
C) boost
D) appointment
(promote促进+ion→促进的结果)The company is offering a special promotion on all products this week.本周公司对所有产品进行特别促销。
outline/ˈaʊtlaɪn/n. 大纲;轮廓 vt. 概述;勾勒 n. a general description or plan; the outer shape of somethingPlease provide an ________ of the main points.
A) outline
B) description
C) overview
D) diagram
(out外+line线→外部的线→轮廓)The report provides a brief outline of the problem.该报告简要概述了问题。
compensate/ˈkɒmpɛnseɪt/vt. 补偿;报酬 vi. 赔偿;补偿 vt./vi. to make up for something; to provide paymentThey had to ________ the workers for the extra hours.
A) pay
B) compensate
C) reimburse
D) repay
(com全部+pens支付+ate→补偿)The company will compensate the employees for their overtime work.公司将补偿员工的加班工作。
commission/kəˈmɪʃən/n. 委员会;佣金;委任 vt. 委任;使服役 n. a group tasked with a particular duty; a fee; vt. to authorize someone to do somethingHe received a ________ for completing the artwork.
A) commission
B) payment
C) fee
D) bonus
(com一起+mission任务→一起任务→委任)The artist was commissioned to create a mural for the museum.这位艺术家受委托为博物馆创作一幅壁画。
presentation/ˌprɛzɛnˈteɪʃən/n. 陈述;展示;赠送 n. the act of showing or explaining somethingShe gave an impressive ________ on her research findings.
A) performance
B) presentation
C) explanation
D) lecture
(present展示+ation→展示的行为)The presentation was well-received by the audience.这次展示得到了观众的好评。
location/ləʊˈkeɪʃən/n. 位置,地点 n. a place or positionWe are currently looking for a new ________ for our office.
A) site
B) location
C) spot
D) area
(loc地方+ation→地点)The new office location is very convenient.新办公室的位置非常便利。


radical/ˈrædɪkəl/adj. 根本的;激进的 n. 激进分子His ________ ideas on education caused a lot of debates.
A) radical
B) traditional
C) neutral
D) basic
(radic根+al形容词后缀→根本的)The politician was known for his radical views on environmental policies.这位政治家以他在环保政策上的激进观点闻名。
avail/əˈveɪl/vt. 有益于,有帮助 n. 效用Despite their efforts, their attempts to solve the problem were of no ________.**
A) benefit
B) gain
C) avail
D) use
(a+vail强壮→力量→有用)All his efforts were to no avail.他所有的努力都徒劳无功。
dominate/ˈdɒmɪneɪt/vt. 控制,支配 vi. 占优势,处于支配地位One company has ________ the market for years.
A) dominated
B) explored
C) expanded
D) controlled
(domin主宰+ate动词后缀→支配)That team continues to dominate the league year after year.那支队伍年复一年地主宰着这个联赛。
evil/ˈiːvɪl/adj. 邪恶的,有害的 n. 邪恶,罪恶The movie depicted a world where ________ forces were at play.
A) natural
B) evil
C) friendly
D) unknown
(来自古英语yfel,意为“坏的”)Many believe that unchecked power can lead to evil.许多人认为不受控制的权力会导致邪恶。
flank/flæŋk/n. 侧翼,侧面 vt. 位于...的侧面The army positioned its soldiers on the ________ to protect against surprise attacks.
A) center
B) rear
C) flank
(源自古法语flanc,意为“侧面”)The general ordered his troops to secure the left flank.将军命令他的部队保护左翼。
interpret/ɪnˈtɜːprɪt/vt. 解释,理解,翻译 vi. 解释,翻译He was asked to ________ the difficult passage in the document.
A) read
B) understand
C) interpret
D) review
(inter在…之间+pret解释→解释)The professor helped the students interpret the complex theories.教授帮助学生解释复杂的理论。
disturbance/dɪˈstɜːbəns/n. 干扰,骚乱,混乱Any ________ during the lecture will not be tolerated.
A) disturbance
B) discussion
C) reaction
D) delay
(dis+turbo搅动→扰乱)The loud noise outside caused a disturbance in the classroom.外面的喧闹声打扰了教室里的秩序。
enrich/ɪnˈrɪtʃ/vt. 使丰富,使充实,改善Reading a wide variety of books will ________ your knowledge.
A) reduce
B) enrich
C) simplify
D) limit
(en使+rich富有→使富有)Traveling can greatly enrich one's perspective on the world.旅行可以极大地丰富人们对世界的看法。
wrath/ræθ/n. 愤怒,愤慨The politician faced the public's ________ after the scandal.
A) joy
B) wrath
C) patience
D) indifference
(来自古英语wræth,意为“愤怒”)He feared the wrath of his boss after the mistake was discovered.他害怕老板在发现错误后会大发雷霆。
contrary/ˈkɒntrəri/adj. 相反的,对立的 n. 相反,反面Her actions were ________ to what she had previously promised.
A) consistent
B) contrary
C) similar
D) identical
(contra相反+ry名词后缀→相反的)Contrary to popular belief, the product was not successful.与普遍看法相反,该产品并不成功。
otherwise/ˈʌðəwaɪz/adv. 否则,不然,除此之外 adj. 相反的You have to hurry, ________ you will miss the train.
A) then
B) otherwise
C) yet
D) so
(other+wise→否则)The weather was rainy but otherwise pleasant.虽然下雨,但其他方面都很好。
transmission/trænsˈmɪʃn/n. 传输,传送,传播The ________ of knowledge from teacher to student is vital.
A) transmission
B) teaching
C) learning
D) connection
(trans穿越+mission送→传播)The transmission of the virus was faster than expected.病毒的传播速度比预期的要快。
contrast/ˈkɒntrɑːst/n. 对比,对照 vt. 对比,形成对比The bright colors ________ with the dark background.
A) blend
B) contrast
C) merge
D) confuse
(contra相反+st→相反对比)The contrast between the two paintings is striking.两幅画的对比十分明显。
urge/ɜːdʒ/vt. 力劝,催促 n. 强烈的欲望,冲动I ________ you to reconsider your decision.
A) suggest
B) urge
C) demand
D) command
(源自拉丁语urgere,意为“推动”)She had an overwhelming urge to quit her job.她有一种强烈的冲动想要辞职。
forge/fɔːdʒ/vt. 锻造,伪造 vi. 稳步前进 n. 铁匠铺,锻炉The blacksmith ________ a sword from iron.
A) built
B) forged
C) designed
D) created
(源自拉丁语fabrica,意为“工厂”)The leaders agreed to forge a new path forward.领导人同意开创一条新道路。


stalk/stɔːk/n. 茎,柄 vt. 悄悄跟踪 vi. 高视阔步地走The predator ________ its prey through the tall grass.
A) spotted
B) stalked
C) chased
D) avoided
(源自古英语stealc,意为“高大的”)He stalked through the crowd, searching for his friend.他在人群中昂首阔步,寻找他的朋友。
haunt/hɔːnt/vt. 常出没于,萦绕 n. 常去的地方The old house was said to be ________ by spirits.
A) lived
B) haunted
C) owned
D) abandoned
(源自古法语hanter,意为“经常出入”)The thought of the accident continued to haunt her.那场事故的想法一直萦绕在她心头。
introduce/ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/vt. 介绍,引入,提出Let me ________ you to my colleague.
A) present
B) introduce
C) inform
D) invite
(intro向内+duce引→引入)The company plans to introduce a new product next month.公司计划下个月推出新产品。
suffice/səˈfaɪs/vi. 足够,满足需求A quick look at the report will ________.**
A) solve
B) suffice
C) finish
D) clear
(suf在下+fic做→足够)A brief note will suffice for now.目前简短的说明就足够了。
emerge/ɪˈmɜːdʒ/vi. 出现,浮现,暴露The company began to ________ from its financial troubles.
A) fall
B) emerge
C) collapse
D) shrink
(e出+merge沉→浮现)The sun emerged from behind the clouds.太阳从云后出现了。
confidential/ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl/adj. 机密的,秘密的The document contains ________ information.
A) public
B) official
C) confidential
D) general
(con全部+fid信任+ential形容词后缀→完全信任的)The company shared confidential data with its partners.公司与其合作伙伴共享了机密数据。
perception/pəˈsɛpʃn/n. 感知,认知,洞察力Her ________ of the situation was different from mine.
A) view
B) understanding
C) perception
D) judgment
(per全部+cept拿→全部拿到→感知)His perception of the world changed after the event.事件后,他对世界的认知发生了变化。
offensive/əˈfensɪv/adj. 冒犯的,攻击的 n. 攻势His ________ remarks caused a lot of anger.
A) offensive
B) polite
C) vague
D) neutral
(offend冒犯+ive形容词后缀→冒犯的)The team launched an offensive against their opponents.球队对对手发起了攻势。
popularity/ˌpɒpjʊˈlærɪti/n. 流行,受欢迎The band's ________ grew after the release of their new album.
A) fame
B) fortune
C) popularity
D) status
(popular受欢迎+ity名词后缀→流行)The popularity of social media has increased rapidly.社交媒体的受欢迎程度迅速上升。
statistics/stəˈtɪstɪks/n. 统计学,统计数据According to the ________,** sales have increased by 20%.
A) numbers
B) statistics
C) estimates
D) predictions
(stat状态+istics学科→统计)The statistics show a clear upward trend in the market.统计数据显示市场呈现明显的上升趋势。
contend/kənˈtend/vi. 竞争,争斗,主张The two teams will ________ for the championship title.
A) compete
B) cooperate
C) assist
D) contend
(con共同+tend伸展→竞争)The lawyer contended that his client was innocent.律师主张他的客户是无辜的。
torment/ˈtɔːment/n. 折磨,痛苦 vt. 折磨,使痛苦He was constantly ________ by nightmares.
A) haunted
B) tormented
C) distracted
D) bothered
(tor转+ment名词后缀→转来转去→折磨)The thought of failure tormented him throughout the night.失败的想法折磨了他整晚。
transplant/trænsˈplɑːnt/n. 移植,移栽 vt. 移植,移栽The doctor performed a heart ________ on the patient.
A) surgery
B) transplant
C) operation
D) treatment
(trans转移+plant植物→移植)The patient was waiting for a kidney transplant.患者在等待肾移植手术。
cherish/ˈtʃerɪʃ/vt. 珍爱,珍视She will always ________ the memory of her grandmother.
A) remember
B) honor
C) cherish
D) value
(cher贵+ish动词后缀→珍爱)He cherishes the time he spends with his family.他珍惜与家人共度的时光。
generosity/ˌdʒɛnəˈrɒsɪti/n. 慷慨,大方Her ________ toward her friends was well-known.
A) kindness
B) generosity
C) help
D) wealth
(gener产生+osity名词后缀→大方)His generosity has earned him a lot of respect.他的慷慨赢得了许多人的尊重。
proficient/prəˈfɪʃnt/adj. 熟练的,精通的She is highly ________ in multiple languages.
A) knowledgeable
B) proficient
C) skilled
D) fluent
(pro向前+fic做→做事熟练)He became proficient in programming after months of practice.经过几个月的练习,他编程非常熟练。
observe/əbˈzɜːv/vt. 观察,遵守,注意到 vi. 观察,注意Please ________ the rules while you are here.
A) follow
B) observe
C) watch
D) break
(ob在上+serve看→观察)The scientist observed the behavior of the animals in the wild.科学家观察了野生动物的行为。
challenge/ˈtʃælɪndʒ/n. 挑战,质疑 vt. 挑战,质疑He decided to ________ himself by learning a new skill.
A) challenge
B) improve
C) doubt
D) push
(来自古法语chalenge,意为“呼叫”)The project was a huge challenge, but they completed it successfully.这个项目是一个巨大的挑战,但他们成功完成了。
confidence/ˈkɒnfɪdəns/n. 信心,信任He spoke with ________ during the presentation.
A) pride
B) confidence
C) doubt
D) nervousness
(con全部+fid信任+ence名词后缀→完全信任)Her confidence grew as she gained more experience in the field.随着她在该领域的经验增加,她的信心也逐渐增强。
revenue/ˈrɛvɪnjuː/n. 收入,税收The company saw an increase in ________ this year.
A) expenses
B) sales
C) revenue
D) production
(re回+ven来+ue名词后缀→回来的东西→收入)The government's revenue from taxes increased last year.政府去年的税收收入有所增加。
entertainment/ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt/n. 娱乐,消遣The festival offered a variety of ________ options for all ages.
A) activities
B) food
C) entertainment
D) shows
(enter在中间+tain拿住→拿住人的注意力→娱乐)The movie was a great source of entertainment for the whole family.这部电影是全家人娱乐的好选择。