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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on thepicture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture andcomment on the kid's understanding of going to school.



开篇句:As is demonstrated in the picture, ________.

扩展句:________ (进一步描述漫画中的人物及其行为) .


主题句:However, this situation reveals a deeper issue about ________.


First, ________ (分析第一个层面的问题或原因) .

Second, ________ (提出第二个原因或影响) .

Moreover, ________ (扩展讨论其他相关的因素) .


结尾句:For the reasons above, it's important that ________.


We should ________ (建议如何应对或解决这个问题) .

By doing so, ________ (预测可能带来的积极影响或结果) .



开篇句:As is demonstrated in the picture, a young boy is shown refusing to go to school, while his mother looks at him angrily.

扩展句:The boy is arguing that everything he needs to know can be learned from his phone, so there’s no point in attending school.


主题句:However, this situation reveals a deeper issue about the overreliance on technology among young students.


First, technology, though useful, cannot replace the valuable experiences gained from face-to-face learning in a classroom.

Second, social interaction and interpersonal skills are essential for personal development, which cannot be achieved through screens alone.

Moreover, overdependence on gadgets can limit critical thinking and creativity, as information is often passively consumed.


结尾句:For the reasons above, it's important that young students recognize the value of traditional education.


We should encourage students to balance their use of technology with active participation in school life.

By doing so, they will not only gain knowledge but also develop the social and critical thinking skills necessary for future success.


As is demonstrated in the picture, a young boy is shown refusing to go to school, while his mother looks at him angrily. The boy is arguing that everything he needs to know can be learned from his phone, so there’s no point in attending school. This reflects a common belief among some young students who view technology as a replacement for traditional education.

However, this situation reveals a deeper issue about the overreliance on technology among young students. First, while technology is useful, it cannot replace the valuable experiences gained from face-to-face learning in a classroom. For example, engaging with teachers and classmates fosters critical thinking and deeper understanding of complex topics. Second, social interaction and interpersonal skills are essential for personal development, which cannot be achieved through screens alone. School provides a space where students learn to collaborate, communicate, and build lasting relationships. Moreover, overdependence on gadgets can limit creativity and critical thinking, as information is often passively consumed without encouraging independent thought.

For the reasons above, it's important that young students recognize the value of traditional education. We should encourage students to balance their use of technology with active participation in school life. By doing so, they will not only gain knowledge but also develop the social and critical thinking skills necessary for future success.







目标:用逻辑清晰的结构(如 for one thing, for another, besides)逐条列出导致这种变化的原因。原因可以涉及政策、经济、社会观念等方面。




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the chart below. Youshould start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China's achievements in highereducation.



开篇句:In the chart clearly depicted is __________ (表头内容).

扩展句:In _______ (时间头), the number/rate of ________ (元素 1) was _______ (数字头), but by _______ (时间尾), this number/rate had increased/decreased to _______ (数字尾), representing a _______ (dramatic/slow) change of _______ (数字相减).

The chart subtly illustrates the statistical data pertaining to _______ (主题). Specifically, the chart showcases the significant fluctuations in the proportion/number of _______ (主题) in recent years, manifesting substantial increases/declines, with its proportion/number ascending/descending from _______ (数据 1) to _______ (数据 1').


开篇句:The phenomenon mirrored in the chart can be attributed to two primary factors.


The first factor worth noting is that _______ (原因一).

Another contributing factor is that _______ (原因二).

Accordingly, the factors combined serve as a catalyst for the emergence of the phenomenon.


开篇句:In a nutshell, drawing from the preceding discussions, we possess ample justification to anticipate that the trend portrayed in the chart is poised to persist for a long duration.


In this sense, we will continue to yield enormous benefits from _______ (主题).

Subsequently, this will enable us to carve out a more enriched life.



开篇句:In the chart clearly depicted is the significant growth of higher education enrolment in China.

扩展句:In 1990, the gross enrolment ratio in higher education was 3.4%, but by 2019, this number had increased to 51.6%, representing a dramatic change of 48.2%.

The chart subtly illustrates the statistical data pertaining to the rapid development of China's higher education. Specifically, the chart showcases the significant fluctuations in the proportion of students enrolled in higher education, manifesting substantial increases, with its proportion ascending from 3.4% in 1990 to 51.6% in 2019.


开篇句:The phenomenon mirrored in the chart can be attributed to two primary factors.


The first factor worth noting is that, with the strong support of the government, the reform and development of higher education have made significant achievements, ensuring wider access to education.

Another contributing factor is that the continuous improvement in living standards has made people more aware of the necessity and benefits of higher education.

Accordingly, the factors combined serve as a catalyst for the rapid expansion of higher education in China.


开篇句:In a nutshell, drawing from the preceding discussions, we possess ample justification to anticipate that the trend portrayed in the chart is poised to persist for a long duration.


In this sense, we will continue to yield enormous benefits from the increasing accessibility to higher education.

Subsequently, this will enable us to carve out a more enriched and knowledgeable society.


In the chart clearly depicted is the significant growth of higher education enrolment in China. In 1990, the gross enrolment ratio in higher education was 3.4%, but by 2019, this number had increased to 51.6%, representing a dramatic change of 48.2%. The chart subtly illustrates the rapid development of China's higher education system. Specifically, the chart showcases the significant fluctuations in the enrolment ratio, manifesting substantial increases from 3.4% in 1990 to 51.6% in 2019.

The phenomenon mirrored in the chart can be attributed to two primary factors. The first factor worth noting is that, with the strong support of the government, significant reforms in recruitment, fees, and job placement systems have been implemented, ensuring wider access to education for all citizens. Another contributing factor is the continuous improvement in living standards, which has led to a shift in people's attitudes toward education, making them more aware of the necessity and benefits of receiving higher education.

In a nutshell, drawing from the preceding discussions, we possess ample justification to anticipate that the trend portrayed in the chart is poised to persist for a long duration. In this sense, we will continue to yield enormous benefits from the increased accessibility of higher education, which will, in turn, help to create a more educated and progressive society.







目标: 简洁地描述与主题相关的现象或话题,指出该现象的普遍性和引发的广泛讨论。


目标: 探讨导致该现象发生的主要原因或背后的因素,解释这些原因如何影响现象的形成。


目标: 总结现象对社会、经济或个人生活的具体影响,讨论其长远的后果和意义。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of PowerPoint (PPT) in class.You can start your essay with the sentence "The use ofPowerPoint is becoming increasingly popular in class.”



开篇句:With the rapid development of (领域/技术), the phenomenon of (现象/话题) has triggered an avalanche of mixed reactions and debates not only in real life but also on the internet.

扩展句:This phenomenon has become a hot topic, drawing attention from both experts and the general public.


主题句:This phenomenon is thought-provoking in many aspects, with two aspects being particularly important.


First and foremost: (原因一), which has brought (积极或消极影响).

What is more: (原因二), further reinforcing the importance of this phenomenon.

Data support: According to a recent survey conducted by (权威机构), (百分比) of respondents believe that (现象的影响).


结尾句:We can see that (现象/话题) has had profound impacts on our society, economy, and personal lives.


We must highly value this issue/phenomenon, embrace change, and overcome challenges.

Only in this way can we achieve (未来目标), lead a better life, and build a harmonious society.



开篇句:With the rapid development of technology, the phenomenon of the use of PowerPoint in class has triggered an avalanche of mixed reactions and debates not only in real life but also on the internet.

扩展句:This has become a prevalent topic, with teachers, students, and education experts all expressing varied opinions.


主题句:This phenomenon is thought-provoking in many aspects, with two aspects being particularly important.


First and foremost: The use of PowerPoint greatly enhances classroom efficiency, allowing teachers to present information more effectively without spending time writing on the blackboard.

What is more: It also benefits students by helping them visualize complex concepts and organizing notes in a clear and structured manner.

Data support: According to a recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 73% of respondents believe that PowerPoint plays a crucial role in improving the quality of classroom learning.


结尾句:We can see that the use of PowerPoint has had profound impacts on the teaching methods and classroom interactions.


We must highly value this phenomenon, adapt to technological changes, and overcome challenges in order to enhance education.

Only in this way can we achieve a more efficient learning environment and pave the way for a brighter educational future.


With the rapid development of technology, the phenomenon of the use of PowerPoint in class has triggered an avalanche of mixed reactions and debates not only in real life but also on the internet. This has become a prevalent topic, with teachers, students, and education experts all expressing varied opinions.

This phenomenon is thought-provoking in many aspects, with two aspects being particularly important. First and foremost, the use of PowerPoint greatly enhances classroom efficiency, allowing teachers to present information more effectively without spending time writing on the blackboard. What is more, it benefits students by helping them visualize complex concepts and organizing notes in a clear and structured manner. According to a recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 73% of respondents believe that PowerPoint plays a crucial role in improving the quality of classroom learning.

We can see that the use of PowerPoint has had profound impacts on the teaching methods and classroom interactions. We must highly value this phenomenon, adapt to technological changes, and overcome challenges in order to enhance education. Only in this way can we achieve a more efficient learning environment and pave the way for a brighter educational future.





目标**:** 清晰、简明地描述一个普遍存在的问题或现象,确保读者能够理解问题的本质。


目标: 深入分析问题产生的主要原因,包括社会、经济、心理等方面的因素。解释这些原因如何导致当前的现象。


目标: 针对分析出的原因,提出多个可行的解决方案,解释这些方案的实施步骤和预期效果。


题目要求: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay related to the short passage given below. In your essay, you are to comment on the phenomenon described in the passage and suggest measures to address the issue. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



开篇句:The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that (主题) is prevalent among many young people.

扩展句:Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples of this behavior, causing widespread concern across society.


主题句:This phenomenon is thought-provoking in several ways, with three aspects being particularly significant.


First and foremost, (原因一), which has resulted in (影响).

What is more, (原因二), further exacerbating the issue.

Data support: According to a recent statistic conducted by (权威机构), (百分比) of respondents believe that (现象的影响).


主题句:How can we address the problem of (主题)?


First, (方案一), which could effectively mitigate the situation.

Another strategy worth mentioning is that (方案二), providing further relief.

In conclusion, only when these measures are thoroughly implemented can we truly resolve the issue and build a more harmonious society.



开篇句:The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that star chasing is prevalent among many teenagers.

扩展句:Taking a look around, one can easily find numerous examples where young people are obsessed with their idols, prioritizing their interests over studies or personal development.


主题句:This phenomenon is thought-provoking in several ways, with three aspects being particularly significant.


First and foremost, star chasing can be motivational when young people look up to role models who inspire them to work harder.

What is more, excessive idolization often leads to a waste of time and energy, as teenagers may neglect their responsibilities.

Data support: According to a recent statistic conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 73% of respondents believe that star chasing has a negative impact on the development of young people.


主题句:How can we address the problem of star chasing?


First, parents and teachers should guide young people to find a healthy balance between admiration for idols and their own personal growth.

Another strategy worth mentioning is that media outlets should play a more responsible role in promoting positive role models rather than sensationalizing celebrity culture.

In conclusion, only when these measures are thoroughly implemented can we help teenagers cultivate healthier habits and focus on their future.


The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that star chasing is prevalent among many teenagers. Taking a look around, one can easily find numerous examples where young people are obsessed with their idols, prioritizing their interests over studies or personal development.

This phenomenon is thought-provoking in several ways, with three aspects being particularly significant. First and foremost, star chasing can be motivational when young people look up to role models who inspire them to work harder. What is more, excessive idolization often leads to a waste of time and energy, as teenagers may neglect their responsibilities. According to a recent statistic conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 73% of respondents believe that star chasing has a negative impact on the development of young people.

How can we address the problem of star chasing? First, parents and teachers should guide young people to find a healthy balance between admiration for idols and their own personal growth. Another strategy worth mentioning is that media outlets should play a more responsible role in promoting positive role models rather than sensationalizing celebrity culture. In conclusion, only when these measures are thoroughly implemented can we help teenagers cultivate healthier habits and focus on their future.




引出主题 + 个人理解

引出主题: 通过引用相关的谚语或名言来引入讨论的主题。阐明该谚语或名言的含义和背景,解释其所表达的核心思想。

个人理解: 解释这句谚语或名言在现实生活中的重要性和适用性。结合个人经验或观察,分析其对人们行为或思想的影响。


提供具体例子: 通过具体的事例或经验,展示该谚语或名言的实际应用和效果。解释这些例子如何验证谚语或名言的观点。

结合实际或数据: 引用实际案例、统计数据或研究结果来支持和加强分析。说明这些数据如何体现谚语或名言的现实意义。

总结 + 措施

总结: 强调该谚语或名言的核心价值,总结它对个人或社会的启发和益处。重申其在日常生活中的意义。

措施: 提出具体的建议或措施,说明如何在实际生活中践行这个道理。给出可操作的步骤或方法,帮助读者将名言的智慧转化为实际行动。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay related to the saying "If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."



开篇句:The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that (谚语/名言) resonates with many individuals.

扩展句:This phrase encapsulates a truth that has been reflected in various facets of our lives, influencing how people perceive their personal development and success.


主题句:This proverb is thought-provoking in several ways, with three aspects being particularly significant.


First and foremost, (原因一), which highlights the importance of (核心价值).

What is more, (原因二), further emphasizing how (谚语/名言) relates to real-life challenges.

Data support: According to a recent survey conducted by (权威机构), (百分比) of respondents believe that (谚语/名言的实际作用) significantly impacts personal growth.


主题句:How can we apply the wisdom embedded in this proverb to modern society?


First, (措施一), which can help individuals internalize this value and practice it in daily life.

Another approach worth considering is (措施二), fostering a mindset that encourages perseverance and self-discipline.

In conclusion, only when these steps are taken can we truly harness the full potential of this age-old wisdom to improve both individual and societal well-being.



开篇句:The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that the saying "If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way" resonates with many individuals.

扩展句:This phrase encapsulates a truth that has been reflected in various facets of our lives, reminding us that true excellence often stems from attention to detail and a commitment to doing our best in every situation.


主题句:This proverb is thought-provoking in several ways, with three aspects being particularly significant.


First and foremost, it teaches that success is not always about achieving grand accomplishments but rather about doing everyday tasks with dedication, which builds strong character.

What is more, this saying encourages us to embrace a positive mindset, finding value in small contributions that collectively lead to meaningful outcomes.

Data support: According to a recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 82% of respondents believe that focusing on small, consistent efforts is key to long-term success.


主题句:How can we apply the wisdom embedded in this proverb to modern society?


First, individuals should practice mindfulness and patience, realizing that small steps lead to big results when taken consistently over time.

Another approach worth considering is fostering a culture of gratitude and acknowledgment for small achievements, encouraging people to take pride in their everyday efforts.

In conclusion, only when these steps are taken can we truly harness the full potential of this age-old wisdom to improve both individual and societal well-being.


The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that the saying "If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way" resonates with many individuals. This phrase encapsulates a truth that has been reflected in various facets of our lives, reminding us that true excellence often stems from attention to detail and a commitment to doing our best in every situation.

This proverb is thought-provoking in several ways, with three aspects being particularly significant. First and foremost, it teaches that success is not always about achieving grand accomplishments but rather about doing everyday tasks with dedication, which builds strong character. What is more, this saying encourages us to embrace a positive mindset, finding value in small contributions that collectively lead to meaningful outcomes. According to a recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 82% of respondents believe that focusing on small, consistent efforts is key to long-term success. These insights prove that even minor actions can have far-reaching impacts.

How can we apply the wisdom embedded in this proverb to modern society? First, individuals should practice mindfulness and patience, realizing that small steps lead to big results when taken consistently over time. Another approach worth considering is fostering a culture of gratitude and acknowledgment for small achievements, encouraging people to take pride in their everyday efforts. In conclusion, only when these steps are taken can we truly harness the full potential of this age-old wisdom to improve both individual and societal well-being.





目标: 引入话题,简要描述事物的现状或背景。让读者了解讨论的基础,确保他们对主题有基本的了解。


目标: 分别讨论事物的优点和缺点。可以分为两个段落,每个段落专门分析一种方面。使用具体的例子和数据支持观点。


目标: 综合分析,表达个人立场,并提出建议或解决方案。总结各方观点,给出合理的个人意见或建议。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the impact of online learning. You can start your essay with the sentence "The rise of online learning has become a prominent trend in education."



开篇句: The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that (主题) is prevalent among many young people.

扩展句: Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples of this behavior, causing widespread concern across society.


主题句: This phenomenon is thought-provoking in several ways, with both positive and negative aspects being particularly significant.


First and foremost: (优点一), which has resulted in (优点的影响).

What is more: (优点二), further contributing to (优点的影响).

However, (缺点一), which has led to (缺点的影响).

To make matters worse: (缺点二), exacerbating the issue.


主题句: How can we address the problem of (主题)?


First: (方案一), which could effectively mitigate the situation.

Another strategy worth mentioning is: (方案二), providing further relief.

In conclusion: Only when these measures are thoroughly implemented can we truly resolve the issue and build a more harmonious society.



开篇句: The rise of online learning has become a prominent trend in education over the past few years.

扩展句: Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples of institutions and individuals adopting online platforms for learning, raising both enthusiasm and concerns across the educational landscape.


主题句: This phenomenon is thought-provoking in several ways, with both positive and negative aspects being particularly significant.


First and foremost: Online learning offers flexibility and accessibility, allowing students to learn from any location and at any time, which has broadened educational opportunities.

What is more: It provides a wide range of resources and materials that can enhance learning experiences and cater to various learning styles.

However: One of the significant disadvantages is that online learning can lead to a lack of face-to-face interaction, which may hinder the development of social and communication skills.

To make matters worse: Technical issues and limited access to reliable internet can create barriers for some students, exacerbating educational inequalities.


主题句: How can we address the problems associated with online learning?


First: Educational institutions should invest in improving online platforms and providing technical support to ensure a smoother learning experience for all students.

Another strategy worth mentioning is: Incorporating a hybrid learning model that combines online and in-person interactions to balance flexibility with essential social engagement.

In conclusion: Only when these measures are thoroughly implemented can we maximize the benefits of online learning while addressing its challenges, leading to a more effective and inclusive educational environment.


The rise of online learning has become a prominent trend in education over the past few years. Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples of institutions and individuals adopting online platforms for learning, raising both enthusiasm and concerns across the educational landscape.

This phenomenon is thought-provoking in several ways, with both positive and negative aspects being particularly significant. First and foremost, online learning offers flexibility and accessibility, allowing students to learn from any location and at any time, which has broadened educational opportunities. What is more, it provides a wide range of resources and materials that can enhance learning experiences and cater to various learning styles. However, one of the significant disadvantages is that online learning can lead to a lack of face-to-face interaction, which may hinder the development of social and communication skills. To make matters worse, technical issues and limited access to reliable internet can create barriers for some students, exacerbating educational inequalities.

How can we address the problems associated with online learning? Educational institutions should invest in improving online platforms and providing technical support to ensure a smoother learning experience for all students. Another strategy worth mentioning is incorporating a hybrid learning model that combines online and in-person interactions to balance flexibility with essential social engagement. In conclusion, only when these measures are thoroughly implemented can we maximize the benefits of online learning while addressing its challenges, leading to a more effective and inclusive educational environment.





目标: 引入话题,为读者提供背景信息。简要描述事件或争议的背景,以便读者了解讨论的基础。


目标: 表达支持某一观点的理由,列举正面论据和例子。清晰地说明为什么这种观点是有效或合理的。


目标: 表达反对某一观点的理由,列举反面论据和例子。说明为什么这种观点可能存在问题或不足。


目标: 综合各方观点,表达个人立场,并对讨论进行总结。提出解决方案或个人建议。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Social Media's Impact on Society.



开篇句: _______ finally succeeded in _______ after many efforts.

扩展句: ______ will influence ______ greatly.


主题句: ______ brings ______ many benefits and opportunities.


As _______, ______ can ______ (正面效果1).

What’s more, ______ (正面效果2).


主题句: Every thing has two aspects.


______ can also bring us some challenges. For example, ______ (负面影响1).

In addition, it will be more difficult for ______ to ______, as ______ (负面影响2).


结尾句: However, ______ does more good than harm to ______.

扩展句: What we should do is to ______ (针对问题的建议).



开篇句: Social media has finally succeeded in becoming an essential part of our daily lives after many years of development.

扩展句: Its impact on society, both positive and negative, is undeniable and continues to shape our communication and behavior.


主题句: Social media brings society many benefits and opportunities.


As a platform for communication, social media allows people to stay connected across great distances, fostering a global network of relationships.

What’s more, social media has become a powerful tool for raising awareness of important issues and facilitating social change.


主题句: Every thing has two aspects.


Social media can also bring us some challenges. For example, the constant exposure to curated content can lead to feelings of inadequacy and mental health issues.

In addition, it will be more difficult for individuals to focus on important tasks, as social media platforms are designed to be highly addictive.


结尾句: However, social media does more good than harm to society.

扩展句: What we should do is to use social media responsibly, ensuring we balance online interactions with real-life relationships and prioritize mental health.


Social media has finally succeeded in becoming an essential part of our daily lives after many years of development. Its impact on society, both positive and negative, is undeniable and continues to shape our communication and behavior.

Social media brings society many benefits and opportunities. As a platform for communication, social media allows people to stay connected across great distances, fostering a global network of relationships. What’s more, it has become a powerful tool for raising awareness of important issues and facilitating social change.

However, every thing has two aspects. Social media can also bring us some challenges. For example, the constant exposure to curated content can lead to feelings of inadequacy and mental health issues. In addition, it is becoming more difficult for individuals to focus on important tasks, as social media platforms are designed to be highly addictive.

However, social media does more good than harm to society. What we should do is to use social media responsibly, ensuring we balance online interactions with real-life relationships and prioritize mental health.













Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter based on the scenario below. You should start your letter by expressing gratitude, explaining the reason, and ending with a hope for future interactions.



开篇句:Dear ______, I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for ______ (感谢的事由).

扩展句:Had it not been for your assistance in ______ (具体的帮助内容), I fear that ______ (结果或后果).


主题句:Your help has ______ (帮助的意义).


It not only ______ (第一个帮助的方面), but also ______ (第二个帮助的方面).

I shall always remember ______ (强调帮助的重要性).


结尾句:I hope I will have the opportunity to return your kindness by ______ (未来的期望或邀请).


Again, I would like to express my thanks and send my best wishes to ______ (再次感谢并传递祝福).

I look forward to hearing from you soon.



开篇句:Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable support during my job application process.

扩展句:Had it not been for your assistance in reviewing my resume and providing interview tips, I fear that I may not have secured the position.


主题句:Your help has truly made a difference in my career path.


It not only improved my confidence during the interview, but also helped me better understand what employers are looking for.

I shall always remember your patience and willingness to guide me through this challenging time.


结尾句:I hope I will have the opportunity to return your kindness by treating you to lunch or coffee sometime soon.


Again, I would like to express my thanks and send my best wishes to your family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable support during my job application process. Had it not been for your assistance in reviewing my resume and providing interview tips, I fear that I may not have secured the position.

Your help has truly made a difference in my career path. It not only improved my confidence during the interview, but also helped me better understand what employers are looking for. I shall always remember your patience and willingness to guide me through this challenging time.

I hope I will have the opportunity to return your kindness by treating you to lunch or coffee sometime soon. Again, I would like to express my thanks and send my best wishes to your family. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,
[Your Name]











Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter based on the scenario below. You should start your letter by expressing interest in the position, explaining why you are qualified, and ending with a request for an interview.



开篇句:Dear ______, I am extremely pleased to see your advertisement for the position of ______.

扩展句:I would like to express my strong interest in applying for this position and believe I am well-suited for the role.


主题句:I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed.


On the one hand, ______ (介绍第一个优势或相关经验).

On the other hand, ______ (介绍第二个优势或成就).

I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference.


结尾句:I would be much obliged if you could offer me an opportunity for an interview.


I greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience.

Best regards for your health and success.



开篇句:Dear Hiring Manager, I am extremely pleased to see your advertisement for the position of Marketing Coordinator at your esteemed company.

扩展句:I would like to express my strong interest in applying for this position and believe I am well-suited for the role.


主题句:I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed.


On the one hand, I have three years of experience in digital marketing, specializing in social media campaigns and content creation.

On the other hand, I possess excellent communication and project management skills, which have helped me successfully lead multiple marketing projects.

I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference.


结尾句:I would be much obliged if you could offer me an opportunity for an interview.


I greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience.

Best regards for your health and success.


Your Address
June 15, 2024
Receiver's Address

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am extremely pleased to see your advertisement for the position of Marketing Coordinator at your esteemed company. I would like to express my strong interest in applying for this position and believe I am well-suited for the role.

I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed. On the one hand, I have three years of experience in digital marketing, specializing in social media campaigns and content creation. On the other hand, I possess excellent communication and project management skills, which have helped me successfully lead multiple marketing projects. I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference.

I would be much obliged if you could offer me an opportunity for an interview. I greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience. Best regards for your health and success.

Sincerely yours,
[Your Name]











Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter based on the scenario below. You should start your letter by introducing the student, evaluating their abilities, and ending with a positive prediction for their future.



开篇句:It is my pleasure to recommend my student, Li Ming, for the position in your company.

扩展句:I have had the opportunity to teach Li Ming for the past four years, and during this time, I have been impressed by his dedication and academic excellence.


主题句:Li Ming has consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities in ______ (学科或领域).


He has a natural aptitude for ______ (特定技能或科目), and his work in ______ (具体成就) has been outstanding.

Moreover, he possesses excellent ______ (软技能,如领导力、沟通能力), which have made him a respected leader among his peers.


结尾句:I have no doubt that Li Ming will be an asset to your company.


His dedication, intelligence, and work ethic ensure that he will excel in any endeavor he chooses.

I highly recommend him for the position and believe he will continue to achieve great success in his career.



开篇句:It is my pleasure to recommend my student, Li Ming, for the position in your company.

扩展句:I have had the opportunity to teach Li Ming for the past four years, and during this time, I have been impressed by his dedication and academic excellence.


主题句:Li Ming has consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities in computer science.


He has a natural aptitude for programming, and his work in developing a new campus app was particularly impressive.

Moreover, he possesses excellent leadership and communication skills, which have made him a respected leader among his peers in group projects.


结尾句:I have no doubt that Li Ming will be an asset to your company.


His dedication, intelligence, and work ethic ensure that he will excel in any endeavor he chooses.

I highly recommend him for the position and believe he will continue to achieve great success in his career.


A Letter of Recommendation

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend my student, Li Ming, for the position in your company. I have had the opportunity to teach Li Ming for the past four years, and during this time, I have been impressed by his dedication and academic excellence.

Li Ming has consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities in computer science. He has a natural aptitude for programming, and his work in developing a new campus app was particularly impressive. Moreover, he possesses excellent leadership and communication skills, which have made him a respected leader among his peers in group projects.

I have no doubt that Li Ming will be an asset to your company. His dedication, intelligence, and work ethic ensure that he will excel in any endeavor he chooses. I highly recommend him for the position and believe he will continue to achieve great success in his career.

Sincerely yours,
Leah Kim











Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter based on the scenario below. You should start your letter by introducing the event, outlining the importance of the invitee's presence, and finishing with a polite request for a response.



开篇句:Dear _______, I would like to formally invite you to attend ______ (活动名称) at ______ (地点) on ______ (日期).

扩展句:It would be a great pleasure to have you attend this event.


主题句:I am sure that you will be interested in ______ (活动内容).


First, ______ (内容 1).

Second, ______ (内容 2).

Enclosed are the details of ______ (附加信息).


结尾句:Your participation is very important because ______ (重要性).


The event will begin at ______ (时间).

We do hope that you can make it. If not, would it be possible for you to drop us a line before ______ (日期)? Thank you very much.



开篇句:Dear Mr. Smith, I would like to formally invite you to attend our annual business conference at the Hilton Hotel on October 10th, 2024.

扩展句:It would be a great pleasure to have you attend this event.


主题句:I am sure that you will be interested in the topics we plan to cover.


First, there will be keynote speeches from industry leaders.

Second, we have arranged several workshops on the latest market trends.

Enclosed are the details of the conference agenda.


结尾句:Your participation is very important because we highly value your expertise in this field.


The event will begin at 9:00 AM.

We do hope that you can make it. If not, would it be possible for you to drop us a line before October 1st? Thank you very much.


Invitation Letter

Dear Mr. Smith,

I would like to formally invite you to attend our annual business conference at the Hilton Hotel on October 10th, 2024. It would be a great pleasure to have you attend this event.

I am sure that you will be interested in the topics we plan to cover. First, there will be keynote speeches from industry leaders. Second, we have arranged several workshops on the latest market trends. Enclosed are the details of the conference agenda.

Your participation is very important because we highly value your expertise in this field. The event will begin at 9:00 AM. We do hope that you can make it. If not, would it be possible for you to drop us a line before October 1st? Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

John Doe











Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter based on the scenario below. You should start your letter by introducing the situation and giving your advice. Then conclude with an offer of further assistance and a polite closing.



开篇句:Dear ______, I have received your letter saying that ______. Your letter gives me much pleasure and ______.


主题句:I recommend that ______.


For one thing, ______.

For another, ______.

转折句:As to ______, I think ______.

结尾句:In order to ______, I suggest ______.


结尾句:Please send me a letter telling me ______. I am looking forward to seeing you.



开篇句:Dear Jane, I have received your letter saying that you are planning to apply for a position in a multinational company. Your letter gives me much pleasure and shows how determined you are to pursue a challenging career.


主题句:I recommend that you focus on improving your language skills and gaining more international experience.


For one thing, mastering a foreign language will greatly enhance your competitiveness in a global company.

For another, international experience will help you better understand different cultures and business practices.

转折句:As to your concerns about job interviews, I think practicing with friends and doing mock interviews would be very beneficial.

结尾句:In order to be fully prepared, I suggest reading up on the company’s history and recent developments. Besides, I can help you review your resume to make sure it highlights your strengths.


结尾句:Please send me a letter telling me about your progress. I am looking forward to seeing you succeed in your application.


A Letter of Suggestion

Dear Jane,

I have received your letter saying that you are planning to apply for a position in a multinational company. Your letter gives me much pleasure and shows how determined you are to pursue a challenging career.

I recommend that you focus on improving your language skills and gaining more international experience. For one thing, mastering a foreign language will greatly enhance your competitiveness in a global company. For another, international experience will help you better understand different cultures and business practices.

As to your concerns about job interviews, I think practicing with friends and doing mock interviews would be very beneficial. In order to be fully prepared, I suggest reading up on the company’s history and recent developments. Besides, I can help you review your resume to make sure it highlights your strengths.

Please send me a letter telling me about your progress. I am looking forward to seeing you succeed in your application.

Sincerely yours,












Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a notice based on the scenario below. You should start your notice with a brief introduction and provide details about a school event.



开篇句:Dear students, we are pleased to inform you that ________ (背景介绍).

扩展句:The intention of this notice is to ________ (通知目的).


主题句:First, ________ (活动时间与地点).


What is more, ________ (活动的具体内容或安排).

Last but not least, ________ (其他重要信息,如报名方式、评委等).


结尾句:If you have any questions, please contact us at ________ (联系方式或注册方式).



开篇句:Dear students, we are pleased to inform you that the Students' Union is organizing a school-wide cultural festival next month.

扩展句:The intention of this notice is to provide the details of the event and encourage everyone to participate.


主题句:First, the festival will take place on April 15th at the School Auditorium from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.


What is more, the event will feature various performances, exhibitions, and interactive activities related to different cultures.

Last but not least, students interested in performing or setting up booths should register by April 5th.


结尾句:If you have any questions, please contact us at 1234567, or scan the QR code to register.


Cultural Festival Notice
March 20, 2024
Dear students, we are pleased to inform you that the Students' Union is organizing a school-wide cultural festival next month. The intention of this notice is to provide the details of the event and encourage everyone to participate.

First, the festival will take place on April 15th at the School Auditorium from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. What is more, the event will feature various performances, exhibitions, and interactive activities related to different cultures. Last but not least, students interested in performing or setting up booths should register by April 5th.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 1234567, or scan the QR code to register.

The Students’ Union

Department of Student Affairs











Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement based on the scenario below. You should start your ad by introducing the item for sale, provide details and reasons for selling, and finally, include the price and contact information.














A Second-hand Bicycle in Great Condition


开篇句:I am selling a second-hand bicycle that is still in great condition. It is a Giant mountain bike, perfect for both city commuting and outdoor adventures.


主题句:This bicycle is lightweight and easy to handle, with 21-speed gears that allow you to easily tackle various terrains.


细节1:I bought it only six months ago, and it has barely been used.

细节2:I am selling it because I recently moved to a city where public transportation is more convenient.

价格:The price is 500 yuan, which is a great deal considering its almost-new condition.


结尾句:If you are interested, feel free to contact me at 123456. Don’t miss this chance to own a high-quality bike at a great price!


A Second-hand Bicycle in Great Condition

I am selling a second-hand bicycle that is still in great condition. It is a Giant mountain bike, perfect for both city commuting and outdoor adventures.

This bicycle is lightweight and easy to handle, with 21-speed gears that allow you to easily tackle various terrains. I bought it only six months ago, and it has barely been used. I am selling it because I recently moved to a city where public transportation is more convenient. The price is 500 yuan, which is a great deal considering its almost-new condition.

If you are interested, feel free to contact me at 123456. Don’t miss this chance to own a high-quality bike at a great price!











Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a local farm organized by your Student Union. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




例:On December 1st, Monday, the Student Union organized a meaningful visit to a local farm, with 300 volunteers actively participating. The event turned out to be a great success.


活动目的 + 三个具体事件 + 时间顺序

例:This activity aimed at enhancing students' practical skills by working on the farm and assisting the local farmers. Early in the morning, just after the students arrived, they watered the crops in the fields. The volunteers were enthusiastic about their experience, with many expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to apply their knowledge practically. After lunch, the farmers held an experience-sharing session where students answered various questions and demonstrated how technology can improve productivity. In the evening, students and farmers enjoyed a feast prepared by the students, which was praised by the peasants.



例:This activity proved to be beneficial for both students and farmers. The Student Union plans to organize more such meaningful events in the future to continue supporting rural communities.




例:On December 1st, Monday, the Student Union organized a meaningful visit to a local farm, with 300 volunteers actively participating. The event turned out to be a great success.


活动目的 + 三个具体事件 + 时间顺序

例:This activity aimed at enhancing students' practical skills by working on the farm and assisting local farmers. Early in the morning, just after the students arrived, they watered the crops in the fields. The volunteers were enthusiastic about their experience, with many expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to apply their knowledge practically. After lunch, the farmers held an experience-sharing session where students answered various questions and demonstrated how technology can improve productivity. In the evening, students and farmers enjoyed a feast prepared by the students, which was praised by the peasants.



例:This activity proved to be beneficial for both students and farmers. The Student Union expressed their intention to organize more such meaningful events in the future to continue supporting rural communities.


Student Union Organizes Successful Farm Visit

On December 1st, Monday, the Student Union organized a meaningful visit to a local farm, with 300 volunteers actively participating. The event turned out to be a great success.

This activity aimed at enhancing students' practical skills by working on the farm and assisting local farmers. Early in the morning, just after the students arrived, they watered the crops in the fields. The volunteers were enthusiastic about their experience, with many expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to apply their knowledge practically. After lunch, the farmers held an experience-sharing session where students answered various questions and demonstrated how technology can improve productivity. In the evening, students and farmers enjoyed a feast prepared by the students, which was praised by the peasants.

This activity proved to be beneficial for both students and farmers. The Student Union expressed their intention to organize more such meaningful events in the future to continue supporting rural communities.