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30 分钟快速了解备考关键信息,高效速通六级,你准备好了吗?来不及解释了,快上车!

温馨提醒:备考过程配合 fastpass 使用效果更佳哦~


1. 题型分值

六级试卷由写作、听力、阅读、翻译四个部分构成,其中写作、翻译均为 15%,听力、阅读均占 35%。满分 710 分,425 分及以上为通过。具体分值分布明细情况如下:

写作写作短文写作115%30 分钟
听力理解长对话单选题88%30 分钟
阅读理解词汇理解选词填空105%40 分钟
翻译翻译段落翻译115%30 分钟
总计57100%130 分钟
  • 关于成绩:


  • 关于题目:

四六级试卷采取多题多卷模式,一般情况下,听力全国一共 2 套,翻译作文和阅读都是 3 套。为了防止作弊,考场上同学们拿到的试卷,除听力外,其他题目都是排列组合的。此外,即使题目一样,选项顺序也可能不同。对答案的时候,请忽略第*套试卷和 ABCD 等选项序号,直接对选项内容即可。

  • 关于答案:


2. 做题顺序


建议的做题顺序为:写作-> 听力-> 仔细阅读-> 长篇阅读-> 翻译-> 词汇理解,原因如下:


其次,阅读和翻译部分我们可以灵活处理。其中,仔细阅读是我们九年义务教育从小做到大的最熟悉的单项选择,一题 2 分,最好上手。长篇阅读一般是若干段落和句子的匹配,一题 1 分。词汇理解就是选词填空,一般建议翻译做完再做它,因为不出意外的话,绝大部分单词我们都不认识,难度大并且分值低,一题 0.5 分,最后实在来不及可以大胆的放过(但是还是要尽可能填上答案,不要直接交空白卷,万一懵对了呢~)。


3. 四六级对比



1. 注意事项

  • 开考第一项,与听力一起交卷。

  • 大多不需要写标题,除非题目特别要求,如: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of My View on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words and no more than 200 words.

  • 格式上,每段顶格写,写完之后空一整行**;**单词之间有间隔,标点之后有间隔。

  • 段落上,建议采取三段式写作:

    • 首段:现象展开,引入中心
    • 主体段:分析题目,详述 what/why/how
    • 尾段:题目要求或自行补充逻辑
  • 六级写作字数要求 150-200 字。

  • 六级考试要求:考生能用英语就一般性的主题发表个人观点;能描述图表和图画;能根据提纲、图表或图画等提示信息作较为深人的讨论、解释和说明。(注意六级写作不再考查应用文)

2. 分类及模板

图表描述类**The chart subtly illustrates the statistical data pertaining to ( 主 题 ). Specifically, the chart showcases the significant fluctuations in the proportion/number of ( 主 题 ) in recent years, manifesting substantial increases/declines, with its proportion/number ascending/descending from (数
据 1) to (数据 1’) .

The phenomenon mirrored in the chart can be attributed to two primary factors. The first factor worth noting is that (原因一). Another contributing factor is that (原因二). Accordingly, the factors combined serve as a catalyst for the emergence of the phenomenon.

In a nutshell, drawing from the preceding discussions, we possess ample justification to anticipate that the trend portrayed in the chart is poised to persist for a long duration. In this sense, we will continue to yield enormous benefits from (主题) and subsequently carve out a more enriched life.
该图表巧妙地展示了**(主题)的统计数据。具体来说,该图表展示了近年来(主题)** 比例/数字的显著波动,表现为大幅上升/下降,其比例/数字从近**(数据 1)上升/下降到 (数据 1’)左右。

(原因一)。另一 个因素是,(原因二)

综上所述,我们有充分理由预测,该图表中描绘的趋势将长期存在。从这个意义上说, 我们将继续从
问题解决类**Nowadays, a mounting number of young adolescents are found mired in the problem about ( 主 题 ). It is an irrefutable truth that we should attach great importance to ( 主 题 ). From my vantage point, ( 主 题 ) bears tremendous significance.

Confronted with the problem, we should implement a comprehensive array of effective measures to address this situation. The initial step is that (方案一). Another strategy worth mentioning is that (方案二).

In a nutshell, it is my conviction that the aforementioned measures can serve as a lubricant for approaching the problem presented. As such, only when these measures are carried out thoroughly can we carve out a more enriched life.
如今,越来越多的青少年深陷**(主题)问题的泥潭。无可辩驳,我们应该重视(主题)。 在我看来,(主题)意义重大。

(方案 一)。另一个值得一提的策略是,(方案二)**。

原因措施类**Nowadays, a mounting number of young adolescents are found mired in the problem of**(主题)as(现状).

There are multiple compelling reasons associated with ( 主 题 ) . Chief among the reasons is that
(原因一). Another factor to consider is that(原**

Confronted with the daunting challenge, we should implement a comprehensive array of effective measures to address this situation. The initial step is that**(方案一). Another strategy worth mentioning is that(方案二)**.

In a nutshell, it is my conviction that the aforementioned measures can serve as a catalyst for approaching the problem presented. As such, only when these measures are carried out thoroughly can we carve out a more enriched life.

(主题)有关。其中最主要的原因是,(原因一)。另一个 需要考虑的因素是,(原因二)

面对这个艰巨挑战,我们应该实施一系列全面有效的措施来解决这个情形。首先, (方案一)。另一个值得一提的策略是

对比选择类**Much ink has been spilled on whether (主题句). Some deem (选择一) as a great boon, while others are inclined to reckon that ( 选 择 二 ) can deliver enormous benefits to their life. From my perspective, these two choices possess their own rewards.

(选择一) is of considerable significance. There is no denying that (论点一). Another potential benefit is that (论点二).

I feel, however, (选择二) also serves as a valuable alternative. To commence with, (论点三). Another justification is that (论点四).

In a nutshell, both options are associated with their own perks. To determine the best course of action, we should take into full consideration our personal preferences and anticipated career trajectories.



名言哲理类***As a long-standing proverb states, ( 原 话 ). This enduring adage has underscored the paramount significance of (主题). Meanwhile, it holds true in various facets of life.

The reasons why (主题) is part and parcel of an individual’s life are listed below. The initial explanation is that (原因一). An additional justification is that (原因二). Therefore, both factors can stand as a testament to the paramount importance of (主题) in our contemporary life.

In a nutshell, (主题) espoused by the proverb can act as a catalyst for personal growth and development. In this sense, it is by translating the proverb’s teachings into actionable steps that we can carve out a more enriched and satisfying life.


现象分析类——消极类****(原句)/Much ink has been spilled on (主题句). It is a sober reminder that individuals ought to channel attention to (主题). From my vantage point, (主题) has adverse consequences in the fabric of our daily existence.

The potential peril of (主题) in an individual’s life cannot be overstated, as evidenced by the following reasons. The initial explanation is that (原因一). An additional justification is that (原因二). Accordingly, both factors at play have stood as a testament to the possible downsides of (主题).

To recapitulate in short, as the stumbling stone of people’s lives, (主题) can have several detrimental ramifications**.** In this sense, only when we exert our utmost efforts to surmount (主题) can we carve out a more enriched and fulfilling life.


现象分析类——积极类*****(原句)/Much ink has been spilled on (主题句). It is a sober reminder that individuals ought to channel attention to (主题). From my vantage point, (主题) plays a pivotal role in the fabric of our daily existence.

The significance of (主题 ) in an individual’s life cannot be overstated, as evidenced by the following reasons. The initial explanation is that (原因一). An additional justification is that (原因二 ). Accordingly, both factors at play have
stood as a testament to the merits of (主题).

To recapitulate in short, as the cornerstone of people’s lives, ( 主 题 ) can deliver enormous and tangible benefits
In this sense, only when we exert our utmost efforts to enhance (主题) can we carve out a more enriched and fulfilling life.



3. fastpass 对应练习

  • fastpass 提供了近十年四六级真题,可对四六级作文真题进行练习打分、语料生成以及机考模拟。
  • 练习打分:输入撰写内容后,可选择 AI 打分。fastpass 将给出总分和四个子项得分(内容切题度、表达清晰度、连贯性和结构、语言准确性),同时进行作文点评、写作纠错、文章改进,帮你一对一高效找问题寻方法。
  • 语料生成:根据题目智能生成多样化高质量素材,为你的备考之路注入灵感。
  • 机考模拟:提供机考模式演练,严格做题时间,减少考试因陌生感造成的紧张。


1. 备考技巧


  • 即⽿朵听到的信息与眼睛所看到的信息越⼀致,越容易成为正确答案 。
  • 判断方式:某⼀个选项关键信息与⾳频内容完全相符,或某⼀选项关键信息在⾳频中出现次数最多时为正确选项(选项出现次数一样多时,就需要认真听问题了)。例如,下面选项中,标记的即为音频中出现的词,此时 D 选项与音频内容完全相符,因此选 D。

A) Chatting with her ancestors.

B) Doing needlework by the fire.

C) Furnishing her country house.

D) Polishing all the silver work.

  • 做题时,同学们可以养成打勾或做标记的习惯,帮助我们更准确的选出正确选项。


  • 需要注意的是,我们在根据视听一致原则做匹配时,不是对于所有词语,而是根据关键词进行匹配,不然时间可能会来不及。因此,如何选取有用的关键词也非常重要。

  • 选取方式:

    • 纵向审题:排除相同概念(也就是一样的词语)。例如下面的主语“It”:
    • A) It enables her to improve her pronunciation. B) It helps her better remember what she learns. C) It turns out to be an enjoyable way of learning. D) It proves to be far more effective than writing.
    • 横向划词: 首先,划实不划虚,即划有实际表述意义的单词,而不划无意义的虚词(eg: the) ;其次,要尽量划组合概念(形容词 + 名词/名词 + 名词/动词 + 名词),例如下面标记的“her”后的组合就是这道题需要注意的关键词:
    • A) It keeps her mind active. B) It makes her stay awake. C) It enables her to think hard. D) It helps her kill time.
  • 另外,做题时我们不用强迫自己一定能即刻翻译出选项的意思,这并不是应试听力中非常必要的能力(虽然它很重要),遇到不认识的词也可以根据自然拼读选出。

  • 关键词除了匹配答案,还能帮助我们定位题目,不至于跟丢。

  • 结合视听一致原则和关键词的选取,我们就可以总结出下面的做题步骤了:

    1. 划选项关键词
    2. ⼀边听⾳频,⼀边眼睛来回扫视选项
    3. 听⻅⾳频与选项对应信息,迅速打勾 ✔
    4. 得出答案


  • 有了前两个原则,我们已经无惧基础题目了,但有时我们也会遇到音频中的关键词以同义词转换的形式出现的情况,这就是我们第三点要讲的,同转的概念。

  • 同转分为四大类:

    • 同根词:excited- excitement / sad- sadness / agree - agreement / construct - constructive
    • 词词替换: big - large -massive / change - alter - shift - modify
    • 短语/概念替换:pull down - knock down / the deserted shopping mall - the shopping mall had not been in use
    • 宽泛到具体:food - tomatoes
  • 同转是英语中常见的考查,同学们平时做题和备考期间可以多多积累,多多留意,养成良好英语学习习惯。


  • 上面三种技巧涵盖了几乎所有的听力题目,为了稳操胜券,我们接下来再分析一下正确及错误选项的特点,更好的培养我们的题感。

  • 正确选项:

    • 选项与⾳频内容⼀致(视听⼀致或同转后⼀致)
    • 选项符合问题描述 (*⾮听⾳时必要步骤,这也是为什么有些题可以不听题目选出正确选项了)
    • 往往通过逻辑引导答案,往往伴随语气和人物的变化(因此注意熟悉下面引导答案的逻辑信号
      • 因果
        • 原因:Because , since , as , for , from , thanks to , due to , owning to, as a result of
        • 结果:so , therefore , hence , thus , as a result , thereby , make
      • 转折
        • 虽然:while ,though , although ,even , even though ,despite , in spite of
        • 但是:but , yet , however , or
      • 强调
        • in fact , actually , indeed , especially , in particular , only , if you ,That is ,that’s to say ,Do / does / did + v ,The most … is … ,What … is …
      • 举例
        • For example
      • 疑问
        • Sit1: 问: ……? 答:Yes , …….
      • 感情色彩
        • 赞同:right , yes , of course , I agree , thanks
        • 否定:no , I’m afraid , I’ll check
        • 强调个⼈观点:oh!, i think , I suppose , in my opinion , I mean, if possible
        • 迟疑犹豫:um , well , maybe , probably
  • 错误选项:

    • 直接被否定
      • 比如,某一选项被完全听出,符合视听一致原则,但音频表述时含有“not”,这是这个选项被直接否定,基本上就是错误选项。
    • 反义表述
      • 是“直接被否定”的间接版,如音频中为“big”,选项中为“small”
    • 部分信息未提及
      • “部分信息未提及”和下面的“选项杂糅”都是属于高级错误选项,在考试中占比较少,难度较高。
      • 例如,选项中为“We all eat apples.”,音频中只听到了“eat apples”,这种有可能就是错误选项。
    • 选项杂糅
      • 例如,音频中某一句话分别是 B 选项的后半段和 C 选项的前半段,这是很有可能 BC 都不对,或者其中一个搭配有误。

2. 听力全题型解题步骤

  • 划关键词并猜测发⾳
  • 使⽤「视听⼀致」或「视听⼀致 + 同转」的⽅法听⾳做题
  • 较难题⽬可以利⽤错误选项特点,反向选出答案
  • 注意换题信号(关键词、对话题中说话人物的转变等)以及语⽓的暗⽰作⽤(逻辑信号)


3. fastpass 对应练习


1. 阅读全题型核心概念


  • 在上述听力篇有提到,同转即为两个不同的词(或短语)表达相同的含义。这部分请详细阅读听力篇。


  • 为什么要强调关键词的选取?

    • 在阅读考试中,我们需要在 40 分钟内完成 30 道题,平均每道题不到一分半。在如此有限的时间内,快速定位题⽬在⽂章的位置就显得非常重要。带着问题关键词阅读往往比上来直接逐字读文章、再读题、再读文章要高效很多。
  • 关键词的选取原则

    • 有专(专有名词)有先挑专有信息定位。
      • 专有信息的特点是非常稳定。
      • 如:时间、地点、数字、⼈物、⼤写、标点符号。
    • 没有专有挑名词(不可以是⽂章背景信息)。
      • 文章背景信息主要指整篇文章都在讨论的内容(一般是标题词或反复出现的词),这无法帮助我们定位。
      • 可以优先考虑句子两端的词。
    • 实在没有名词再考虑形容词和动词的组合
      • 只有形容词或动词会非常不稳定,组合才会更加稳定。
  • 下面是一篇长篇阅读的题目,标记的为关键词,来看看你理解的对不对吧:

    • 原题: **The best Retailers Combine Bricks and Clicks **
    1. Although online retailing has existed for some twenty years, nearly half of the internet retailers still fail to receive satisfactory feedback from consumers, according to a recent survey.
    2. Innovative retailers integrate internet technologies with conventional retailing to create new retail models.
    3. Despite what the Census data suggest, the value of physical retail's stocks has been dropping.
    4. Internet-driven changes in the retail industry didn't take place as quickly as widely anticipated.
    5. Statistics indicate that brick and mortar sales still made up the lion's share of the retail business.
    6. Companies that successfully combine online and offline business models may prove to be a big concern for traditional retailers.
    7. Brick and mortar retailers' faith in their business was strengthened when the dot. com bubble burst.
    8. Despite the tremendous challenges from online retailing, traditional retailing will be here to stay for quite some time.
    9. With the rise of online commerce, physical retail stores are like to suffer the same fate as the yellow pages.
    10. The wide use of smartphone has made it more complex for traditional retailers to reinvent their business.
    • 关键词: **The best Retailers Combine Bricks and Clicks **
    1. Although online retailing has existed for some twenty years, nearly half of the internet retailers still fail to receive satisfactory feedback from consumers, according to a recent survey.
    2. Innovative retailers integrate internet technologies with conventional retailing to create new retail models.
    3. Despite what the Census data suggest, the value of physical retail's stocks has been dropping.
    4. Internet-driven changes in the retail industry didn't take place as quickly as widely anticipated.
    5. Statistics indicate that brick and mortar sales still made up the lion's share of the retail business.
    6. Companies that successfully combine online and offline business models may prove to be a big concern for traditional retailers.
    7. Brick and mortar retailers' faith in their business was strengthened when the dot. com bubble burst.
    8. Despite the tremendous challenges(负面的) from online retailing, traditional retailing will be here to stay for quite some time.
    9. With the rise of online commerce, physical retail stores are like to suffer the same fate as the yellow pages.
    10. The wide use of smartphone has made it more complex for traditional retailers to reinvent their business.

2. 词汇理解

  • 这里考查的是我们的词汇量语法(重点是对"词性"、"句子结构"、"词语与句子的搭配关系"的理解)。

  • 选词填空方法:

    • 阅读空格当句的内容
    • 选择词性正确、搭配得当的词语
  • 同学们对这种题最直观的感受就是,选项词如果认识就能做,如果不认识只能靠蒙,没有特别多技巧。因此,如果时间充裕的同学,一定要重视词汇量的积累!!!

3. 长篇阅读

  • 长篇阅读的题型均为匹配题,这里核心考查的是我们扫读、跳读、略读的学术阅读能力

  • 匹配题方法:

    1. 浏览题⼲选取定位词
      1. 定位词即关键词,熟练关键词选取的三大原则
    2. 易定位题⽬和能够暗⽰段落的题⽬优先做
      1. 易定位题⽬主要通过专有信息定位
      2. 能够暗⽰段落的题⽬,比如: (a)recent / today / future :先往文章后置段落找 (b)early / ancestor:先往文章前置段落找 (c)cost:优先找货币符号、数字 (d)stage:优先找序号 (e)different :优先考虑信息罗列 (f)air pollution :优先找具体空气污染物(carbon dioxide 、Nitrogen 氮 、Sulfur 硫)
    3. 剩下题⽬优先查找未出题段落
      1. 考官一般会保持设题均衡的原则
    4. 若该段包含题⽬中两个及以上原词或同转,则该段为答案
    5. 注意:
      1. 若两个题⽬定位在同⼀段落,可以额外划另外⼀个定位词验证
      2. 注意段落可能被复选(题目会提到)
  • 我们查找定位词的过程就是扫读的过程,扫读时请注意视觉重点位置为段落和句子的开头结尾、试题页面的左右两侧。

  • 除了上述方法,我们还需要了解一下文章的大致结构,我们遇到的一般为问题解决类文章:

    • 问题(客观困难)的描述,问题解决 1 + 问题解决 2 + 问题解决 3 + 问题解决 4 + 要求 | 建议 | 期待 | 未来 | 更好

4. 仔细阅读

  • 仔细阅读是我们熟悉的阅读考查方式,其重点是考查我们对于细节的理解和把握,对应的是精读能力

  • 需要注意的是,仔细阅读并不是让我们上来就对四个选项进行逐一定位和排除,而是通过题干定位到原文中题目出现的具体位置,再通过对于定位处细节信息的理解,反向直接选择正确的选项内容。

  • 仔细阅读方法:

    1. 理解题⼲⼤意并选取定位词(注意定位词不可以是⽂章背景,且有可能同转)
    2. 注意题⼲设问给我们的暗⽰
      1. 特殊疑问词,what 、who 、whose 、which 、when 、where 、how 、why 等
    3. 优先理解定位句当句内容,通过理解然后直接进⾏选项匹配
      1. 以防看了误导信息先入为主,看哪个都像正确答案
    4. 对于不好定位的题⽬可以使⽤“夹 B 原则”
      1. 因为仔细阅读的单选题为顺序出题,当某题不方便定位时,可以通过上下题目的定位“夹”出位置
    5. ⽆定位词的段落,从段落最后⼀句向上推,寻找第⼀次存在逻辑表达的句⼦;再理解句⼦内容,进⾏选项匹配
      1. 逻辑表达关键词: 【因果】because, since, due to, thanks to, owning to, as so, therefore, as a result, hence, thus, inconsequence 【转折】though, although, in spite of, despite, while, even,yet, nonetheless, nevertheless, ironically, but, however 【条件】if / whether, while / once / when, with / without ,after, unless 【强调】furthermore, what’s more, moreover
    6. 注意:
      1. 不推荐先浏览选项,容易先⼊为主
      2. 不要从选项中划关键词回⽂章中定位
      3. 应当先知道⽂章对应的答案表述句,再进⾏选项匹配

5. fastpass 对应练习

可访问 进行阅读练习。


1. 翻译基本原则

  • 单词语法不要错

    • 宁可写简单的词汇也不要写错。
    • 写不准的复合句用简单句。
  • 不会翻译的词语用其他会的词语解释,或者换成范围更大的上位词

    • 用其他会的词语:京杭大运河——>a river from Beijing to Hangzhou
    • 范围更大的上位词:火龙果——>fruit
  • 主谓宾一定要翻译

    • 主谓宾哪怕不会写,也要努力写个相近意思的,一定不能空着。
    • 定状补等主谓宾之外的成分,实在不会写可以不写(当作没看见)。

2. 备考技巧


  • 核心原则:拆主干,补修饰
  • 示例:
  • 青藏铁路是世界最高最长的高原铁路。(“的”字前面所有去掉,就是句子主干:铁路是铁路) The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the highest and longest plateau railway in the wold. 青藏铁路大大缩短了中国内地与西藏之间的旅行时间。(句子主干:铁路缩短了时间) The Qinghai-Tibet Railway has greatly shortened the travel time between mainland China and Tibet. 这座跨度巨大的钢筋混凝土大桥充分证明中国有能力建造创世界纪录的巨型建筑。(句子主干:大桥证明中国有能力) The reinforced concrete bridge with a huge span proves that China has the ability to complete record-breaking and mega-construction projects.


  • 核心原则:分清主干与修饰

    • 汉语中,一句话中的逗号可以并列多个动词,这在中文里称为“流水句”。
    • 而英文中,一句话里,只能存在一个真正的谓语动词,剩下的动词要么在从句里,要么以非谓语的形式出现。
  • 示例: 北京大兴国际机场位于天安门广场以南 46 公里处,在 2019 年 9 月 30 日投入使用 Beijing Daxing International Airport, which is located 46 .kilometers south of the Tianan men Square, was put into operation on 30, September, 2019.


  • 核心原则一:如何处理“的”字。共有六种情况:

    1. 名词修饰名词/形容词修饰名词
      1. 名词修饰名词:表示被修饰物的材料、用途、时间、地点、内容、类别,如 paper money, meeting room。
      2. 形容词修饰名词:最常见,如 famous flowers,The Qinghai-Tibet Railway。
    2. A of B
      1. A of B = B 的 A
      2. 例如:牡丹的栽培中心—a center of peony cultivation/九朝古都的历史—the history of this ancient capital of nine dynasties.
    3. 名词所有格
      1. 名词所有格 = n.’s
      2. *何时用’s 形式:
        • 有生命的事物或自然界独一无二的事物—the world’s , people’s life
        • 表示时间、距离、金额、国家或城市的所属—the city’s scenic spots , two hours’drive
    4. 介词修饰名词
      1. 介词修饰名词=n+ 任意介词
      2. 有些英文中的介词含有动作的意味:
        • 反对不健康饮食习惯的观点 - views against unhealthy eating habits
        • 跨度巨大的钢筋混凝土大桥 - The reinforced concrete bridge with a huge span
    5. 定语从句修饰
      1. 当“的”字前面有动作时
        • 有经验的教师能够设计出适合不同学习基础学生的课程。Experienced teachers can design courses that are tailored for students at different levels.
      2. 当表示在某个时间段发生了某事
        • 南京市已经将梅花定为市花,每年举办梅花节,成千上万的人冒着严寒到梅花山踏雪赏梅。 The city of Nanjing has designated plum blossom as the city flower and holds the flower festival every year , when tens of thousands of people braved the bitter cold to walk in the snow and appreciate the flower.
      3. 当表示在某个地点发生了某事
        • 荷花历来是诗人画家创作的重要题材。荷花盛开的地方也是许多摄影爱好者经常光顾之地。 Lotus has long been an important theme for the creation of poetas and painters and the place where lotus blossoms becomes the resort of many photography enthusiasts.
      4. 介词 +which 引导的定语从句
        • 这部小说采用了大量中国民间故事和神话的素材,创造了各种栩栩如生的人物和动物形象,其中最著名的就是孙悟空。 The book adopts a multitude/number of materials of Chinese folk tales and myths , creating various vivid characters and animals , among which(上文的其中)the most famous is Monkey King.
      5. which 句中暗含因果逻辑
        • 针对这一问题,中国政府正开始发起低碳行动,将推动其未来的增长,发展和能源安全目标。 In order to tackle the problem , Chinese government starts a low-carbaon action which will foster its future growth , development and energy security objectives.
    6. 分词修饰
      1. n.+Ving/Ved
      2. children living in the city ;water used for agriculture
  • 核心原则二:状语的添加。共有六种情况:

    1. 时间状语
      1. 在...时候 at 10o’clock=at+ 用于某天的某个具体时间 on Monday=on+ 具体某天 In 2021=in+ 某个时间段
      2. 当...时候 when/whenever... 、afer/before...、as soon as...、as...、by the time、not...until...、since
    2. 地点状语
      1. 在...哪里 at the supermarket in China on the train
      2. 在...一个什么地方 where/wherever...
    3. 原因/结果/目的状语
      1. 引导词 + 名词词组 due to owing to thanks to because of for
      2. 引导词 + 完整句子 because since as now that given that considering that so that... so...that in order to
    4. 条件状语
      1. 引导词 + 完整句子 unless if as long as once
    5. 让步状语
      1. 引导词 + 完整句子 although while even though despite of regardless of but however
    6. 伴随状语:伴随着主句动作发生的状态
      1. 分词结构
        • They stand there quietly, watching a game.
        • The bell rings, announcing the end of the class.
      2. with 的独立主格结构
        • with + n + Ving :We found the house easily with the little boy leading the way.
        • with + n + Ved :With all things prepared, she won the competition.
      3. with 的复合结构
        • with + n + adj/adv :He often sleeps with the window open. / with the light on.
        • with + n + 介词 :The teacher went into the classroom, with a book in his hand.
        • with + n + to do :With so much work to do, I have no time for a holiday.


  • 核心原则:记好词组搭配(重在积累)

  • 动名词:

    1. 动词位于句子的开头 —— Eating too much is bad for your health.
    2. 做动词后面的宾语 —— I like playing basketball very much.
    3. 介词后跟动词ing —— Stamps are used for sending letters.
    4. be 动词后跟动词ing —— His hobby is collecting stamps.
  • 不定式:

    1. 主语动词用不定式 —— To speak English is not easy for us. = It is not easy for us to speak English.
    2. be 动词后跟动词不定式 —— My work is to clean the room everyday.=To clean the room every day is my work.
    3. 谓语动词后接动词不定式 —— He likes to play basketball.
    4. 宾语补足语的位置接动词不定式 —— My mother made me play the piano all the time. (在 make, let, see, hear, watch 等使役、感官动词后,常省略 to)
    5. 状语的位置用不定式(一般都是目的状语) —— I went to the library to study English.不定式作状语,其逻辑主语要和句子的主语一致。


  • 增译核心原则:添补成分。共五种情况:

    1. 增加代词或主语:没有调查就没有发言权——He who makes no investigation has no right to speak.(※一般主语不明的情况下,会优先选择使用被动语态,而不会增添主语。)
    2. 增加动词后的宾语代词和代词:我收到了你的来信,并且愉快的读了起来。——I have received your letter and read it happily.
    3. 增加冠词:中国煤炭消耗量约占全球的五分之二,并以每年约 10% 的速度增长。——China consumes about two-fifths of the world's coal and it increases at a rate of about 10 percent a year.
    4. 增加逻辑连接词:中欧经济县有很强的互补性,在贸易、投资、科技等领域具有很大的合作潜力。——The two economies are strongly complementary to each other andhence enjoy huge potential for cooperation in trade, investment,science and technology areas.
    5. 增加介词:《水浒传》是中国文学四大经典小说之一。这部小说基于历史人物宋江及其伙伴反抗封建帝王的故事。——Water Margin, one of the four classic novels in Chinese literature, isbased on the story of the historical figure Song Jiang and his partners'rebelling against the feudal emperors.
  • 省译核心原则:删除成分。共两种情况:

    1. 省略重复性内容:我们要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于国家。——We should be loyal to our party, to our people and to our country.
    2. 省略范畴词(指用来表示行为、现象、属性等概念所属范畴的词。 如现象,局面,方面,情况,背景等。):总之,就全国范围来说,我们一定能够逐步顺利解决沿海同内地贫 富差距的问题。——In short, taking the country as a whole, I am confident that we can gradually bridge the wealth gap between coastal and inland areas.


  • 核心原则:be done
    1. 强调动作的承受者 :机场的设计可确保每小时 300 架次起降。The airport is designed to guarantee 300 takeoffs and landings per hour.
    2. 句子中主语不明 :千百年来,创作了许多诗歌和绘画费美牡丹。For thousands of years, many poems and paintings have been created to praise the peony.
    3. 据说,据传,众所周知:It is said that.../It is reported that.../It is well known that...


  • 核心原则:牢记三大句型
    1. it 作形式主语
      1. it is+ 形容词 +that It is quite certain that he will be at the meeting. 他将出席会议是无疑的。 It is important that we (should) study hard.我们努力学习是很重要的。
      2. it is + 名词 + that(a pity, an honor, a good thing, a fact, a surprise, a question, a shame) It is a pity (that) you missed the sports meeting last week. 你错过了上周的运动会太可惜了。 It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. 事实上英语已经被作为一 种国际语言而被接受了。
      3. it seems that It seems that they know what they are doing.
    2. it 作形式宾语(think/ find/ feel/ consider/ make/ + 形容词/名词 + 不定式) I find it pleasant to work with him. They felt it difficult to finish the work in such a short time. She thinks it her duty to help us. I think it my honor to be invited to speak here.
    3. 强调句型 (It +be + 被强调成分 + that / who + 其他成分) It was an old friend that/who he met in the park yesterday. It was in the park that he met an old friend yesterday.


  • 核心原则:灵活调整
    1. 最常见的便是一般现在时与现在完成时 毫不夸张地说,几乎每个中国人都熟悉小说中的一些主要人物。 It is no exaggeration to say that almost every Chinese is familiar with some main characters in the novel. 事实上,这部小说的影响己经远远超出了国界。 In fact, its influence has already gone far beyond national boundaries. 自面世以来,这部小说不断吸引着一代又一代的读者。 荷花历来是诗人画家创作的重要题材。
    2. 最容易忽视的是一般过去时 梅花位居中国十大名花之首,源于中国南方。

3. fastpass 对应练习

  • fastpass 提供了近十年四六级真题,可对四六级翻译真题进行练习打分、语料生成以及机考模拟。
  • 练习打分:输入撰写内容后,可选择 AI 打分。fastpass 将给出总分和四个子项得分(译文准确性、译文流畅性、结构清晰度、用词贴切度),同时进行难词译注、翻译解析、翻译批改,即刻成为你的私人翻译教练。
  • 语料生成:根据题目智能生成多样化高质量素材,为你的备考之路注入灵感。
  • 机考模拟:提供机考模式演练,严格做题时间,减少考试因陌生感造成的紧张。

4. 《中国文化概况》





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